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2/28/2024 6:36:14 PM

Destiny 2 servers down?

Been trying to login for 3 plus hours now and I get the Destiny 2 servers down message. Xbox

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    Hi Im Swat
    Hi Im Swat

    Bungie fan forever. Here since 2008. - ancien

    Bungie has stated they are fully aware of the issues causing a small number of players to be unable to play Destiny 2. Luckily, not everyone is affected. I'm on Xbox and I've had no issues whatsoever. The issue is likely caused by external factors which means it will take some time for them to troubleshoot and fix alongside their service partners. Please remember that not everything can be fixed at the flick of a switch, some matters can take a while to fix. I'm sure everyone at Bungie appreciates your patience at the current time. Stay tuned to their feeds for the latest information. [quote] Hello there, Thank you for reporting. We are actively investigating reports of some Xbox players experiencing sign-on issues at this time.[/quote]

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