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Recrutement des clans

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Modifié par Slaxkz : 2/13/2024 1:44:30 PM

Clan search

Need a good clan not so big a clan willing to play and have fun with each other and also teach on things I don't know I've been playing this game on & off and I'm jumping back in for the final shape
#clan #Clans

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  • Hey we are a clan of misfit that try to raid at least twice a week we have a little over 40 members we have new and veteran player. main goal it to play together and have fun. everyone is welcome we do not discriminate age, gender, race, ect. if that fits you check us out. Discord Link -

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  • Veterans 8 is recruiting (all platforms, PVE/PVP Endgame) We have a great group of players who play pve/pvp and all endgame content. Casual or hardcore, we are here to play together and help each other. We have lots of helpful friendly players, and we would love for you to join us. Especially looking for raid and PVP sherpas. We are looking for guardians who will play with the clan. Real life comes first that is understandable just let admin or clan founder know you are busy. Discord is required to communicate and set up events. Mics are required for activities like raids and Trials that need comms. Clan requirements are as follows: 1. This clan is 18+ only. 2. Follow the rules. 3. Be active in the clan and participate in in-game events with clan members. After a month of inactivity, you will be removed from the clan unless you already talked to the admin/founder (If you plan to be absent, message an Admin/Leader). 4. Have a mic for raids and other activities that require communication 5. Must join the discord channel it is Required If you are interested in joining, send a DM to the founder or admins or apply to the clan here: Veterans 8 Clan |

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  • Clan Name: Perfect Paradox™ Clan URL: Discord: Region & Platform: [NA]/[ALL PLATFORMS] Hi! After jumping from clan to clan recently because people just stopped playing and communicate, we decided to reanimate a 6 yo clan and bring it to the top. Our goal is to create a strong community of active players for all types of game content. We have sherpas and we're ready to help new or returning players to catch up. And of course we would be happy to have more experience gamers which are ready to help others. We have a nice and organized Discord server (mandatory) that uses Charlemagne, with LFG and lots of different features. Our staff is patient, friendly and responsive. Join us if you want to be a part of the community of players who is hungry for a game and have no intentions to stop. If you have any questions, you can DM me anytime.

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  • Hey man I see you are looking for a clan! We always have room for more in the family at WOTC our advert is bellow if interested! [b]Wrath of the Crayon 1[/b] - [b]Wrath of the Crayon 2[/b] - [b]Discord Server Link =>[/b] [b](NA/OCEANA/EU)[/b] [b](ALL PLATFORMS)[/b] > WrathOfTheCrayon is an Endgame focused PvE & PvP Clan. We strive to maintain a fun and active community and laid-back setting, while still conquering the hardest content D2 has to offer, we are only interested in players seeking Endgame content, such as Raids, Grandmaster Farms, Trials and more. Regardless of current skill or experience we have room for you so long as Endgame content within an active community is a path you wish to pursue. [u][b]>What does WOTC have to offer me?[/b][/u] - Consistent runs of every raid every week (Sherpas welcome!) - A highly active and experienced player base - Active players 24/7 From EU, NA and AUS time zones - Plentiful amounts of community events even outside of D2 - Sherpas for all activities in the game - A well developed discord and clan system that has stood the test of time over 4 years - Active and well experienced players in endgame content from all across the globe [u][b]>How do I join WOTC?[/b][/u] - 16+ (exceptions based on maturity) ownership of the most recent DLC (Lightfall) - A Working Mic - A Willingness to become part of the community and interact with the clan as a whole - Interest in Endgame activities and a willingness to improve and learn within them [u][b]>About The Clans[/b] [/u] WrathØfŦheCrayon(The Main Clan) Admission is based on clan activity, and respect for other clan members. (earned through participation in the second clan) WrathOfTheCrayon 2 (Feeder Clan) - Has absolutely NO requirements to join, as everyone is welcome. No matter your skill level, we will accept anyone. Newcomers, returning veterans, absolutely everyone can join. Anyone willing to learn and improve is welcome to earn their place [u][b]>The Wrath advantage[/b] [/u] WrathOfTheCrayon is a fully settled, active and built up clan, unlike many other clans we have been around for over 4 years have a incredibly strong backbone of players and amazing community that will be going nowhere any time soon, and that despite content droughts and game issues always sticks together through the storm. We are a well experienced endgame clan, with day one teams regularly not only clearing,[i] but also consistently placing within the top percentile of players ( Top 100 to 500)[/i] [b]> Important Notes[/b] - We are actively seeking AUS players to expand our Oceania player base -We are actively seeking to expand our PvP player-base offering weekly private matches and more

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