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Recrutement des clans

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Modifié par virpyre : 1/26/2024 6:59:30 AM

I'm looking for a Clan on Xbox

As the topic says, I am trying to find a clan of like-minded individuals like myself on Xbox who also play during the week. I am 44, a stay at home, Dad, and do remote work.I primarily play during the week, and I never play on weekends as that's family time. I'm also on NA/EST. I have been playing Destiny since D1. I started with Taken King. When the transfer came up for the character copy to D2, I quickly jumped in and have been playing since then. As far as gameplay goes, I mostly stick to Story content, I dabble in Seasonal content, play Strikes, some Gambit and spend most of my time on the Moon in Altars of Sarrow. I have never done a Dungeon or Raid (tried raids in D1 had a bad experience and never looked back), and I avoid Crucible and Trials like the plague. I have been in a few other clans, and most of them were Streamer clans, which pretty much wanted you on when they were streaming or raiding on the weekends, so I just decided to fly solo. Lastly, I am not looking for a copy and paste recruitment clan or clan that has subsidies of other clans from their mainstream clan. Also, I don't do Discord. I use Xbox party chat or game chat. If you've made it this far and read what I said, I am surprised. Regards.
#Xbox #pve #Clans

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