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Destiny 2

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11/9/2023 8:52:12 PM


Despite all company and community mayhem - I like this week's TWID. Well done, in particular the Crucible part. Looking forward to seeing the changes in action. Thank you!

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  • Well I wish they had a twid that focused as much on PVE changes, but the current and foreseeable future focus is on PVP. New strike maps 4 or more are needed New Gambit maps and improvements are sorely needed because it is the least played of the 3 ritual activities. Ignore it and we will also. New lost sectors, like a half dozen New enemy types and not just bosses like tormentors, Cabal with backpacks do not count. Stop the season activity and start making lasting content. (players stopped doing psi op and battle grounds and we will not be doing this seasons activities, in following seasons) Better seasonal story missions, visiting 4 or 5 radio chats and a lost sector for previous seasons is not cutting it! Much of what they are making is useless in following seasons and forcing it down our throats as nightfalls is not going well. I can tell you doing the spire as a nightfall will be ZERO fun! PVE needs as much attention as PVP if not more.

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