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Destiny 2

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6/16/2023 3:17:50 PM

TWAB threadling post suggestion





Heres the reference [quote]Question: Broodweavers were intended to be the minion masters of Strand, but Threadlings can feel underwhelming in high-end content, especially with the potency of suspend. Are there any plans to adjust this relationship going forward? We’re working on a two-pronged approach to this problem for Season 22. We agree that it can be hard for Threadlings to feel valuable as combatant health increases in high-difficulty PvE content. We also believe that suspend is currently too strong in PvE. For Season 22, we’re implementing a sizable increase in Threadling damage against PvE targets and reducing the duration and uptime of suspend sources in PvE. In addition, we’re making a change to the Broodweaver’s newest Strand aspect, The Wanderer, to address community feedback regarding its potency.[/quote] Agreed suspend too enticing to use threadlings. Soo how about if "x" amount of threadlings from the grenade attack a singular target, the target gets suspended. For a marginaly less amount of time than by a suspending grenade. Now granted, and I am 100% ignorant about anything with threadlings butt this is something I thought and wanted to share.

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