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Destiny 2

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5/17/2023 5:33:11 AM

Competitive Playlist incredibly low rank gain

Hey all Ever since the comp rework I find myself gaining +20 to +5 comp points even while at the top of my team. I understand this may have something to do with player skill, but as far as I’m aware the comp playlist match-makes using SBMM; meaning that I find myself (in adept III) matching players in gold or platinum as they are near my skill. What’s frustrating about this system is that if I win (what is generally a fair game) I gain anywhere from 5 points to 20 points. If I lose that game however, I drop sometimes between 150-200 points for an also fair game, but due to their comp rank I lose more. It doesn’t seem fair to me that I should be put into a game that I am practically making no progress towards ascendent in, but if I lose, I risk flunking out of adept. The last 3 games I have won (in a row) have all given me incredibly low rank progress. My question overall are; why do I gain insignificant rank rewards for winning a game out together by SBMM? Why have a ranking system that effects rank gain depending on rank and also have SBMM active in the same playlist? I could be just confused over how the system works, but I was under the assumption initially that this was supposed to almost a “rank ladder” that you would climb up to receive harder games, but instead I find when I was in gold 3 I was fighting ascendant level players (because of my SBMM I guess?). P.S. I hope there comes a time when high skill players aren’t punished for being good with harder games and comp matchmaking when they aren’t getting increased rep gain or rewards.

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