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3/28/2023 7:23:18 AM

Not able to hear other's in-game voice chat.

The problem is that I can't hear OTHER's in-game voice chat. They can hear mine. Yes, I've already checked if voice chat is on. Yes, I've already checked if the chat volume is turned up. Yes, I've done everything I could possibly do in the in-game menus to try and alleviate the issue. No one seems to have this issue and if there is one I've found, they say they haven't been able to have it fixed. Please, I really don't want to have to settle for third-party software like Discord so that I can voice chat especially if I'm LFGing which is way too much of a hassle to do. I'll provide my computer specs below if I'm asked to but I really want to see this issue at least addressed. I want to enjoy endgame content with random people but I can't do it if I have to keep asking random people for their Discord accounts just to HEAR them.

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  • Modifié par SaintX : 3/28/2023 1:21:05 PM
    With d2 running on your pc open your sound mixer setting an look at those an find out where the audio from d2 is getting pulled from, once you find that switch it to your controller or headset. Edit: switching it should be under those same settings, its helpfull to have a buddie with you to test it out while your both actively in game, once you get the correct audio input/output check on those settings every few weeks as a windows update can reset those.

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