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Destiny 2

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Modifié par Desolator0 : 2/15/2023 7:32:20 PM

Rasputin - Another waste of a massively overhyped character

8+ years of hype and set-up for him being an incredible warfighting AI, in control of all of these superweapons that we've never seen until the very end, and then Bungie kills him off? He did nothing cool or important throughout both D1 and D2 yet we were always told how scary he is, how he killed the Iron Lords and is yet another total waste of a character. 3 months of hype for another bad ending to a potentially cool character. Ana can save him from the Darkness nearly killing him, but not from a self-destruct? Whatever happened to backing up his data to another engram? Did nobody think of this? He is an AI and code on a hard drive, surely he could be backed up theoretically infinite times as long as there was enough storage space. From "I have no equal" to killing himself and forgetting to back himself up.

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