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12/24/2022 12:10:04 PM

SBMM Needs to go, Team Balancing needs to be fixed instead

I'm sorry, I know you (Bungo) are experimenting with aiding lower skill players and whatnot through SBMM, BUT if all these parameters are currently in place to make the matches the MOST BALANCED and most FAIR between the two teams then HOW THE -blam!- AM I STILL GETTING PAIRED WITH THE WORST PLAYERS IN EXISTENCE BUT GOING AGAINST TOP TIER PLAYERS?!!!!??!?!?!?!? I've been having this problem, in game team balancing, for YEARS. NO AMOUNT OF SBMM IS GOING TO FIX THIS PROBLEM OR AID ME IN AVOIDING IT. You are using the wrong solution for the wrong problem and it's about time you -blam!- realized this. No amount of matchmaking parameters is going to help me, if anything it is going to worsen my experience from match-to-match, especially as the season progresses, as I am dropped further and further down the SBMM rabbit hole where I am the only factor that makes the match "balanced" due to my 'outlier' (previously consistent) performances of generally 3.0 and up. I am sick and tired of seeing the lowest efficiency on the other team, or even my own efficiency, being greater than the sum of all five of my teammates combined despite all the 'fixes' and 'solutions' and 'bullshit parameters' that have been put in place. The team balancing needs to be reworked from the ground up because as of right now whatever the -blam!- you are doing simply isn't making, at least, my experience neither fun nor fair. Additionally, a solution to prevent anyone from playing Disjunction let alone forcing someone to play it not just twice in a row, but thrice in a row needs to be implemented ASAP.

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    Lore-meister - ancien

    It’s fine

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  • 50/50 win loss ratio is a great algorithmic piece isn't it.... 🤷

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  • SBMM is quite possibly the worst thing since static roles

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    • Look, man....lets be real hinest here. Do you think ladders are real??? It's another halfass gimmick to say, "we did something," but why keep sbmm if you now rank?? SBMM was a fix for blowouts why, why is it still Fed up? Well, it's simple, and the sooner you wake up to it, the easier leaving will be. It's population, plain and simple. Numbers are tumbling and have been since February. People will argue, i dont care. People pop in at new seasons as usual but this year they leave sooner and sooner with less coming back each time. Your pvp games suck because there aren't enough players in the pool to properly match and set up matches, so they simply do as always, grab 12 people. Sort top 6 on to Team A and rest go to B. When games die, the first thing to die is the pvp. But hey we will be getting a "we are listening" twab soon to bad people are just fed up.

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      • It isnt the sbmm. Bungie is deliberately throttling gameplay. The more guardians in your fire team the more throttling. It's an algorithm to only allow wins so often.

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        • SBMM has been a huge negative for me, it affects the quality of matches since population is low and it doest prioritize connection quality, it also makes me want to stop playing after 3rd or 4th match since every game is a tournament final and is not even a fun experience with all the broken stuff out there. I no longer can try out or test new loadouts or abilities since everything is so “sweaty”. I really used to enjoy Destiny’s pvp now I play it less and less every time.

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          • Modifié par Hawpy : 12/26/2022 5:38:24 AM
            SBMM in concept isn't bad, but it has somehow been implemented in all the wrong ways. It shouldn't be anywhere near a casual playlist, for starters. I'm sorry to the people who are on the lower end of the skill spectrum, but SBMM makes games insufferable sweatfests at all skill levels, defeating the point of a playlist being casual. Imagine you're playing in a perfect SBMM lobby against someone of your exact skill level - barring external factors, how will you beat them if you're using a loadout that is even marginally worse than theirs? Theoretically, you won't, which means you have to use the same thing as them, as does everyone else. It should also not be involved in the revamped Competitive system, if Ranks are going to stay as they are. SBMM overrides rank, which makes the rank mean nothing. Due to the cap on where you can place this season, it's entirely possible for an Ascendant-quality player to be placed in Gold III, lose a couple of matches against other Ascendant-quality players and then be demoted to Silver I..............where they'll continue to play against Ascendant-quality players. Rewards are also an issue that stems from this. Gaining Crucible rep at up to 1.5x the base rate is hardly an appealing reward for anyone looking to climb the ladder. A common analogy I've seen for SBMM is professional sports teams - they are separated into divisions, which the best can move up from and the worst are demoted from; the top teams don't win the best rewards by only beating the worst ones. The flaw in this is that the winners of each division get vastly different rewards, because their matches are at different levels. In the current Competitive system, players get the same reward/progression - the top 1% sweating it out get the same as the bottom 1% bumbling through matches. To use something I'm familiar with - in England, the most recent winners of the top football league earned £160m through a combination of prize money and TV rights; the winners of the fourth tier got about £900k. While it's an extreme example and highlights a very different issue, it illustrates my point.

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            • Lobby balancing becomes irrelevant when everyone in the lobby is the same skill. The only reason we need lobby balancing at all is because SBMM doesn't work perfectly Even if the teams are technically "balanced", it wouldn't be fun for a 0.5 k/d player to be playing with 2+k/d players

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              • You can’t have proper team balancing without sbmm. Since sbmm is all but turned off now, team balancing is non existent again.

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                • Modifié par AbsolutZeroGI : 12/25/2022 7:16:03 AM
                  You can't fix team balancing when stacks can go against solo players. No lobby balancing system can exist in a connection based matchmaking that lobby balances afterward, because stacks can't be lobby balanced, so it skips the entire process if you're in a stack of 6. The issue with that is mercy rules, which were so prevalent that a change needed to be made. Bungie posted the stats in a twab last season to prove it. The issue is that it's a dead game mode nobody really wants to play. 95% of all players aren't active anymore and that's left massive gaps in experience that can't be filled with any matchmaking style. SBMM at least lets lower skill players explore the game for longer than 90 minutes without being clowned on by entitled brats and chased off of the game so that, someday, maybe the game mode won't be dead anymore. Gotta grow it from the ground up, not the sky down. Deal with it.

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                  • It's Christmas so I'm not gonna say anything else than 1. It's not sbmm 2. It's not cbmm Merry Christmas to my fellow humans sharing the experience of "life" in this moment of history. Cheers. Ps. Don't let videogames distract you from living. It's all you have. One time.

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                  • Its intentional forced wins and losses, there is no way they could manage to create such one sided lobbies game after game even when no premade fireteams are there.

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                  • All I’m saying is if you have a comp mode with rank based matchmaking and actual rewards that you can grind, “the sweats” wouldn’t waste nearly as much time (if any at all) in Quickplay, completely eliminating the need for SBMM at all. A well designed PvP game will only use SBMM as an afterthought after all of the other parameters (such as connection, team size balancing, etc., which are much more vital to a healthy game) are accounted for. There’s no reason to have SBMM at the forefront of your matchmaking algorithm, period. -Remove SBMM from ranked -Make Rose infinitely farmable in post match rewards in Comp, with increased drop chances or double perks at higher ranks. -Add Rank Based Matchmaking -Remove Rift from everything other than the rotating playlist (seriously, this game mode isn’t it) -Remove Disjunction from 3v3. It barely plays in 6v6, why is it here? -Add a new shader for reaching Platinum every season -Add a new emblem for reaching Adept (? Is that the name? The one below Ascendant?) every season -Add a legendary weapon ornament for Rose (or another weapon when they add more) for reaching Ascendant every season -Create Rose (Reforged), an adept version (with a little nod to the Crucible analogy) that replaces all drops of Rose for Platinum and above. -Fix whatever the heck is wrong with the ranked point system because me depositing 5 sparks in one game and completely steamrolling the enemy team should not result in me getting +5 rep. Plenty of other scenarios that feel bad too. See the percent of high tier players playing Quickplay plummet and assess whether SBMM is even necessary after that. If done well, it won’t be. And this is without any changes to how Trials works too, which (with much fewer changes) would also remove many more sweats from Quickplay.

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                    • im not a really good player but its same problem for me, i jst run the void + 5000 time for this problem xd good luck man

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                    • Annihilate sbmm from gaming

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                    • Or hear me out... GET GOOD

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                      • Cross play connections need to be addressed, it's borderline unplayable

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                        • Exactly! I get complete trash teammates vs top players with meta guns. I can’t get a fun lobby.

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                          • it's simple. their broken -blam!- algorithm thinks you're good enough to carry thumbless morons. they still haven't realised that's not how it works.

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                            • 100% but these greedy devs don’t care

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                            • Skill based matchmaking but 3.0s still be having .5s in the lobby. The only problem being they are on your team lmao.

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                              • What makes it worst, is the fact that bungie thought taking out rumble was a good idea.. So now you have no choice but to carry players without thumbs, and play against players with 4 hands. I just don’t get it

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                              • I don’t mind facing good players. But I cannot figure out how it gives me the teammates that it does 😂.

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                              • LOUDER

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