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Destiny 2

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11/29/2022 1:26:42 PM

Please save your time and your money

Please do not waste your time or money! There are better games online to play! The complete waste of time grinding for the same materials is exhausting, repetitive, dull, and boring. The good weapons are held behind a curtain that Bungie says is RNG (Random Number Generator). I have completed the Vault of Glass 129 times. No Vex Mythoclast so what have I learned, game play is a joke that they hide behind RNG instead of using their brains and finding a solution. Seriously what did I gain after the 15th time doing the something over and over again to be awarded out dated useless gear and weapons that have no real purpose on the current game play? I learned the hard way to spend my time and money else where. Save your time and money!

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  • Tru. I cancelled my order the other night, until bungo can prove it'll be worth it

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    • Which games do you recommend that have better development?

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      • I have to think if I want to continue playing destiny 2 because I'm tired of bungie nerfing titans in to the ground when they get something even remotely good. Stasis, got nerfed in to ground in both pvp and pve. Solar, loreley nerfed in to the ground. First hot spots, restoration by 50% then it's heating another nerf because it doing what it's suposed to do isn't allowed. And now arc, fists of havoc is weak and short trash. Arc gauntlets got nerfed and now storm grenade gets nerfed to rubbish to. I'm sure I'll have mostly Hunters disagreeing with me but I don't care because this is how I see it. After the nerfs to titans and the buffs to warlocks and Hunters, titans will be the weakest by far.

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      • Play for fun first! Everything else (loot, titles, whatever) comes second. If you’re not enjoying your experience, everything else means zip. If you don’t address that, maybe you’ll end up in a similar situation, despite moving onto a new game.

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      • Even though some will troll about "see you next season", etc... Not all but a lot of people that are posting that they will not buy the next season/expansion will most likely do so out of habit even though it will be more of the same. I've never really minded the repetitive content, the problem for me is knowing the loot system is broken, deliberately designed to be and it has been for a few years now. Not because of the "RNG", but because of how poorly it has been designed throughout the entire game. There is no consistency in how items are required. Then there is the dumbest decision this business made in Destiny's history. They used the shop to replace vendors and some activities when acquiring certain items that used to have a sense of value that now have no value at all. I've never liked how inconsistent this business is, it's like they are still in beta mode 6 years later because they don't know what they are doing and that isn't even a joke because it really started to show when Activation left.

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      • I agree about the RNG. I understand that going for a piece of armor in a simple lost sector shouldn’t be a guaranteed drop. But a raid takes a lot of time, plus you need 5 other players with you, so you’re dependent on their availability. To then have to run it sooo many times just to get the exotic to drop is ridiculous. Why not just have the raid exotic be something you can purchase with Spoils? I mean, make it hella expensive obviously, but at least it’d feel like it was worth it, instead of grinding endlessly for nothing

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        3 commentaires
        • [quote]I have completed the Vault of Glass 129 times. No Vex Mythoclast so [u]what have I learned[/u], game play is a joke that they hide behind RNG instead of using their brains and finding a solution.[/quote] What you should have learned, but clearly didn’t, is that CP farming is a waste of time.

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          • Well you have 1500 hours on the game and you log on today. So let's see if you can take your own advice.

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          • Agreed n stop pre ordering ffs

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          • I got vex on my first clear if this makes you feel better

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            • [quote]Please do not waste your time or money! There are better games online to play! The complete waste of time grinding for the same materials is exhausting, repetitive, dull, and boring. The good weapons are held behind a curtain that Bungie says is RNG (Random Number Generator). I have completed the Vault of Glass 129 times. No Vex Mythoclast so what have I learned, game play is a joke that they hide behind RNG instead of using their brains and finding a solution. Seriously what did I gain after the 15th time doing the something over and over again to be awarded out dated useless gear and weapons that have no real purpose on the current game play? I learned the hard way to spend my time and money else where. Save your time and money![/quote] You do what you want. I’ll stay here and have fun on here. Maybe to you you absolutely need that vex but I just find that if I kinda care about it the grind is a little less annoying. Took me several runs to get 1K and I only use it in some builds. Sure I might’ve wasted my time but that’s what games are for, and money is always an optional thing. So you can go play splitgate or warframe or something else that you like, I’ll stay here. Tl;dr wasting time is what games are for, and you can always choose to not spend money.

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            • "There are better games online to play!" What Xbox games offer good endgame raiding and dungeons? Not trying to be an -blam!-, if there were quality alternatives I would gladly give them some time. Not interested in PVP/Gambit, but I love Destiny's PVE endgame and I cannot find an equivalent.

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