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Destiny 2

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Modifié par Synge_X : 11/17/2022 12:41:32 PM

Enough excuses: lobby balancing needs to be addressed

Bungie, We were told that SBMM was the only thing that could address one team destroying the other, in a majority of matches for a decent portion of this community. I had a roughly 2 1/2 hour play session where my team did not win a single match, and over half of these matches were blowouts…. Not only that, I received the same in slot Pinnacle drops repeatedly for the last two days. My last play session was also terrible as well, with only winning one match. Keep in mind I was playing in the freelance playlist, and I am left feeling like the only way this could happen, is if the game is purposely setting up tilted matches. So to that I say, whatever focus group is telling you that this is good for your player base, it is not, and I’ve lost so many clan members due to it. If it is a mistake, and an unintentional error in the Matchmaking system, for God’s sake Please fix it. Is it at all possible for you to understand as a player what type of night this is? When I’ve spent my hard earned money and precious time on your game. I have brought people to your game, I have recommended it, I have spent time teaching other players how to play it, and this is how you repay me. I’ve said it before, and I haven’t stuck to it admittedly, but this level of disrespect for me as a player has got to end at some point. I was once a proud clan leader of over 90 active players, and over-time, based on the decisions you made for this game, my playtime has dwindled and my clan is in shambles. Before I conclude, I want to make it clear that this was not an anomaly, this is my majority experience with this game. This is the first time ever that I have not pre-purchased an expansion or new season by this time of year. Destiny used to be a given, even when my playtime had slowed down. I told myself before, even though I felt disrespected as a player, that I wanted to finish up the dark and light saga with light fall, but I’m unsure that I can even stomach how I’m being treated as a player, enough to finish it. I know this post sounds dramatic, and it is, because I love Bungie as a company, and their games have brought me a lot of joy over the years, but something changed… and it saddens me to see it.

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