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Destiny 2

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Modifié par Bettendorf : 10/28/2022 5:43:41 PM

My idea for the next Festival Of The Lost

Everybody is concerned with the lackluster execution of the most recent festival of the lost. With the content having very little upgrading from seasons past, everyone is hoping to see something new enter the game and give players a new experience altogether. I think I have an idea that will satisfy player interest for new content as well as Bungie's interest to have players test out new weapons and perk combinations that they likely would not use in the sandbox on their own. While my idea is not perfect (and frankly, no idea will be perfect for everyone) I do believe it can revitalize this seasonal event and make something this game has never seen before. What my idea is, is a return to the Haunted Infinite Forest (or perhaps even the leviathan underbelly??), but instead of a linear activity to defeat enemies and gather dismantlable loot, I propose a more Rouge Like experience. Players are dropped into the dark environment with no weapons and can use only their abilities to fight off waves of simple enemies to reach their first chest of rewards. This chest will present the players with their first weapon. This weapon could be any weapon in the current rotation of the game, whether from a raid, from trials, or from public events. It will be a completely random weapon (kinetic, energy, or heavy) with random perks. Using these weapons, your fireteam will take on a more difficult wave of enemies to reach yet another chest. This pattern continues until a time limit or wave limit is met, at which time you come face-to-face with the final boss of the activity. Regardless of the weapons your fireteam has acquired (even if there have been no heavy weapons found), you must defeat the final boss and claim the final chest which will reward activity currency and weapons for your guardian to claim after the activity has concluded. Once the activity is over, all weapons gained will be removed from your inventory and your original cast of weapons will be returned to you, along with weapons from the final chest. Again, this is no perfect idea, but it does create a very repeatable new piece of content with unlimited possibilities of the loadout your fireteam will gain. It solves an issue with Bungie wanting players to use new weapons and perks and solves the issue of the player base wanting something fresh and new for Destiny 2. Please let me know what you think of my idea. I would love to see this garner enough attention that Bungie takes notice and perhaps considers this for the next installment of the Festival of the Lost. Much love guardians,

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