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Modifié par TheHaraamPolice : 10/30/2021 9:28:25 PM

Destiny 1 PS3 Error: Turtle

About 3 months ago I could play destiny 1 on my PS3 just fine; now I can't start up the game without getting error coded(turtle). I've tried things like switching to a wired connection, deleting the cache and rebooting and everything. It just says that it could not download the config files from the destiny servers. Is anybody else experiencing this or have an explanation? Much appreciated [spoiler]Moderator edit: This thread has been moved to the #Help forum where you can find answers and troubleshoot any Destiny in-game / / companion app issues, courtesy of other helpful players and [url=]Mentors[/url]. Feel free to private message the moderator who moved your post, link to topic, for further clarification about why this topic was moved.[/spoiler]

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