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Destiny 2

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10/10/2021 12:46:13 PM

Heavy weapons overall damages in PVE lacking? (I love my Rockets but....)

Dear Bungie, I'm sorry bothering you all when bringing this up, but I feel like heavy weapons in PVE contents lacks damages, some more than others. I runned some numbers, all without damages perk and so to be as fair as possible, against our dear Carl the colossus on Nessos. I went with the TOTAL DAMAGES for this one, comparing also special vs heavy, multiple weapons, crit and no crit, getting the lowest to highest total damage numbers, and max. ammo without any perks and mods increasing them (as pure as possible) Turns out that where some special weapons are lacking (to be precise Snipers), other are better than the heavy weapons. (Examples in this case is even more apparent with the grenades launchers and their heavy counterpart, that are just really lacking). And when running numbers, I was a tad disapointed, but not totally surprised to see that Slug Shotguns can perform way better than Rocket Launchers, as them being roughly half the damage of a rocket, can be fired significantly faster and therefore, catch up in no time. (this those apply to Fusions too, even without this seasons' artefact mod) Those wouldn't be much of an issue, if one wasn't Heavy Ammo, that are more difficult to aquire compare to Special ones, and have like few of them to be used. And Rocket Launchers, being burst damages, having few munitions isn't the real issue, but rather the fact that they feel... weak for something that pretty much do one shot every century. (and I'm not even speaking about Heavy Grenade Launchers, those really need more damages) To put this in short: I think Heavy Weapons needs a bit more of a boost in damages in PVE, (maybe asides from swords), so that the uses of munitions that are more difficult to aquire and therefor used more sparely should be more rewarding than those of Special Weapons. Note that I also gave a look with exotic rockets too, (looking for what would be the best), and feeling quite left behind aside from Death Bringer with Cathalyt, because that thing is a difficult but rewarding monster to use. final note: I love my Rockets, but to use the Argent Ordonnance mods to it's fullest potential, meaning sacrificing half the energy of masterworked armors on 3 pieces, only to see that it does less TOTAL damages than a Linear Fusion Rifles that hits all its crits, kinda make me wish the investements in these mods would be more... rewarding... ^-^', Anyway, that is my thoughts, you were going on the right direction with the Heavy Machine Guns' buff this season, so keep on improving this game that I enjoyed so much. Keep briging the awesome content Bungie, A Huge fan crayon-eater grenade thrower rocket enjoyer Titan main.

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