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Destiny 2

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Modifié par TuxyDoh : 8/16/2021 6:10:42 PM


It’s absolutely -blam!-ing ridiculous how this game mode works and the bull shit that shouldn’t be -blam!-ing happening. Answer me this. How is it the enemy team can kill their primeval in under a minute of them spawning it in and the portal doesn’t open up fast enough for you to prevent it? Why do the combatants feel like their power level is 999999999999999999 half the time and impossible to kill even with a super? and most importantly, Why am I always being put on the team with shitty players that don’t know how to -blam!-ing play? Don’t get me wrong. I don’t care about loosing. I care about a fair game. One where I feel like I actually have a chance at winning. With this broken piece of -blam!-ing shit you feel like you never had that chance. If there’s 4 good players and 4 bad players. The teams need to be like this. Team A: Good, Good, Bad, Bad Team B: Good, Good, Bad, Bad and not like this. Team A: Good, Bad,Bad,Bad Team B: Good,Good,Good,Bad See the difference? With the top one it’s a fair game because it distributes the skill levels of each player evenly. With the bottom one Team A might as well throw in the white flag and call it -blam!-ing quits because Team B is going to be constantly sending large blockers over. When someone finally does get 15 motes you better -blam!-ing believe someone will invade. And finally when the other team does spawn in their primeval in less than a minute it’s dead. Does that sound like a fair game to you? No it absolutely -blam!-ing doesn’t and that’s why this broken piece of shit game you call Gambit needs to be fixed. I don’t care how you do it as long as it’s a fair game. Change the way the game is played if you have to. Also can we get rid of that stupid timeout bull shit? Seems -blam!-ing pointless to have other than pissing people off more than what they were already. No wonder people are saying, “Get rid of Gambit”.

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