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Destiny 2

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6/13/2021 7:36:30 PM

Invisible enemies in crucible and iron banner

Everyday now, I play some games and at some point my character doesn't fully load in. Then I notice not only is my character not loaded, neither are my chosen guns. Then the guns don't fire at the same rate as they normally do. All of the guns fire slower than normal and when you zoom in there is no reticle. So you are blind throughout the entire game. This includes the new VOG raid and all strikes. I'm not finished yet. Then you think try playing crucible. Lol. The enemies don't even load in and are invisible the whole match. Come on guys. Can you please fix this. I quit out soooooo many IB and regular control games because of this. Please please please fix the game. This is terrible and I am not a game pass player. I paid for everything since the start of D1. I need you to stop taking things away and releasing broken shit. Thank you.

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