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Destiny 2

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2/10/2021 4:27:07 PM

Lost Veteran Dialogue

Before I get into this, my main concern is that I lost my Veteran dialogue on my Titan that I have played as since 2014 because I selected the New Light mission. I am writing this to ask Bungie if they could put in a fix or option on the menu for veterans to regain their dialogue. Hi Bungie. I have been an avid Destiny/Destiny 2 player since 2014. It was the first game I played online and has been the source of many treasured memories. Once I graduated from high school, it became one of the ways that I kept in contact with my friends as we all moved to other states and other nations. I even founded my own clan which grew from 3 of my close friends to an almost full roster. Now that I am in Medical School, my free time that I use to jump into orbit and do some missions is much less. When I hopped on to play the other day, I saw that I could try the New Light campaign. I did not realize that this would remove my status as a veteran. The characters that I have known for 6 YEARS and grown to love now do not recognize me. It feels as if I have lost years of progress and that all of it was wasted. Honestly, it made me want to never play Destiny again. I know that there are others that have experienced this, but I have not seen or heard if there will be any fix. I truly love this game and the friends that I have made on it. I really want to keep playing and enjoying the world of destiny. I know that the devs at Bungie are very busy putting out fires and fixing glitches and the like, but it would really mean a lot to at least know that I have been heard. Please let me know if other players have gone through this too or if you have found a way to fix it!

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