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Modifié par Jinx : 1/18/2021 11:51:42 PM

Bungie, simple question: Do you care about your playerbase?





It doesn't seem like you do. Give us all a sign that you care? Maybe a response to some of the topics of stasis, sunsetting, etc.... You're going to lose longstanding customers and any hopes there may be of gaining new ones. I've taken the liberty of composing a list of topics that I've seen on your forum, Reddit, other players, and discords... While I might not agree with every item on this list - I think it shows how neglected your player-base feels. These are mostly related to PVP. [EDIT]: I fully expect no reply to this because that's par for the course from you Bungo... It's more "cheap therapy" for myself and other players that share any of the frustrations below. Without further delay and in no particular order: 1. Blue Items and Shaders - There are too many drops for seasoned players. Why is there no option for autodismantling them? Why do we have to recollect shaders at all and why do they need to stack? Why can't they just all just be available if they're unlocked? 2. Most shaders are ugly. Just let us pick the colors. Get rid of shaders. 3. Why do you fix things so quickly that help the player and why are you so slow to fix things that hurt them? 4. Fast Ball and Traction should be intrinsic. Get rid of the mods. 5. PVP is inherently unfair - we get it, not everyone has the same rolls of gun, armor, etc... It's some of what makes destiny PVP different and exciting to be apart of... But can't we level-set on somethings? How about a point system for armor, i.e. you get x amount of point to allocate however you choose. No more RNG stat rolls of armor. How about a game mode with no supers - let the focus be gunplay. 6. Why is armor sunset at all? It creates a perceived unnecessary grind for players and frustrates them. 7. Why sunset weapons and reissue them? Why can't this be communicated BEFORE we delete all of them and why can't our existing weapons be leveled to the reissued weapons cap? Why do we have to regrind for something we already spent hours grinding for? 8. Reissuing content, weapons, and armor - did you guys run out of creativity? I'm sure the community would be willing to help. 9. The arbalest - for the love of GOD this thing needs a nerf (for my fellow PS4 players). So...snipers nerfed. check. uhm... I think you forgot one. Also, why isn't thing heavy? It does more damage than heavy linear fusions. 10. Stasis titans and top tree dawn warlocks movement- Why do these two subclasses get to leave everything else in the dust? Wasn't there a "go fast" update? So... you raise the speed of everyone to only recreate the same problem you had before with character movement. 11. Stasis titan duration and damage resistance - pick one. Long duration or high damage resistance - together it's OP. 12. Stasis Hunter's super - what's with all the bugs? It falls through the floor, or squall never appears, or the sickle just spins on the target indefinitely. Please fix this. 13. The freeze radius of the stasis hunter is too wide. It should be reduced. 14. (Guess this is happening already): Glacier grenades with fissures and shatter give is way too strong. 15. Glacier grenades fall through the floor with fastball mod equipped. Please fix. 16. Hit Registration - this has been a problem for as long as destiny has been a game. Melees look and sound like they connect, but don't register damage. Either fix the sound or fix the damage. The same is true of supers that require melee damage. 17. Stasis titan slide - speed, distance, cool down - please nerf. 18. Stasis titan melee range and tracking - why does it feel like it is impossible to hit the titan when in the melee animation? 19. Icarus dash cool down - please nerf. 20. Snipers were nerfed and shotguns were left untouched. This creates an even stronger shotgun meta than before. How about a nerf to shotguns? How about a nerf to special weapons' ammo economy (or lack there of). Might I suggest looking at tweaking how much ammo drops in a match or how much a player can collect? If you don't think it's a problem - why is felwinter's lie at the top of the weekly kill list week after week after week. 21. Why are shotgun shots subject to RNG? Is the manufacture of shotgun slugs in the destiny world lacking a QA and QC department? 22. Run speed of classes / subclasses should be the normalized based on mobility stats. 100 = 100 not 100 = 110 for one class and 100 = 80 for another. 23. Hunter shuriken freeze delay - why is there one? 24. Radiant cliffs cheese spots - either take the map out of the game or fix these. 25. Dead cliffs spawn trap - same as above, fix or remove. 26. Spawns in general are a problem. Please fix. We shouldn't be spawning on the oppsoite side of our teammates or into supers or sniper scopes, etc... 27. Trials population - find a way to make this event more appealing to lower-skilled players. The population shouldn't be comprised entirely of sweats and recoves. Please look into and fix matchmaking. Be transparent about how it works. 28. Matchmaking, in general, is broken. Connection based doesn't work - truly it doesn't - as in I am regularly playing people on the other side of the globe and the lag is horrifying and ruining the game experience. Matchmaking in trials doesn't work. Matchmaking in comp doesn't work. We need a system that actually makes sense and we want to know how it works and how we fit into it. 29. Transparency in general - we want to know how the game is actually working! Why do you withhold details about mods, armor stats impact on character performance, invisible RNG floors and ceilings, matchmaking variables, weapon perks, weapon stats, and on and on. 30. Will we ever get new PVP maps? Why are most of the PVP maps from D1? 31. We'd like to know our ping / latency in-game and other players we're playing against. 32. Will you ever host games? P2P is lazy and ruins the overall experience for players. 33. Being shot into matches in progress - this needs to stop. 34. Supers across the board shouldn't be subject to RNG. It prevents them from being competitive. I.E. blade barrage. 31. Titan one-hit melee - no other class in the game gets a one-hit ability. Why do titans? Are a titant's fists really as strong as a shotgun blast to the face, a snip to the head, a rocket, a sword swipe? 32. Disable emotes and sword usage (when out of ammo) to put an end to three-peaking. 33. No one likes being teabagged. This should be reportable and managed. Where's the sportsmanship in this and allowing it to go on without consequence. 34. When you guys nerf things - isn't there a middle ground between OP and useless? For example, golden gun damage resistance, nova warp, ect... 35. Having you ever read the descriptions of the classes and scratched your heads about how the gameplay doesn't align with it? We do. The hunter is the fast class, right? Oh, that's why all I have to do against an arc strider's super is run away until it runs out because they have no hope of catching me. 36. The last word - damage and or range is too high. You can't win a gunfight vs. one within its effective range. 37. Celetral fire should have damage drop off or less tracking and or velocity. 38. Repeat maps in PVP game, after game, after game, after.... 39. Repeat rolls legendaries and repeat exotics drops. Why have I gotten over 100 drops of aeon swifts? 40. The stasis slow effect does way too much. Reload, movement (including turning), swapping, abilities canceled -- you're basically frozen and don't know it yet. Can it just do less? 41. Also, the "suck" effect of the stasis grenade is outrageous. I shouldn't be sucked to the middle of the stasis field when I'm a good 10 meters outside the bubble. 42. Crimson - is there anything this gun doesn't do? It's OP with the buff to hand cannons this season. Please adjust.

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