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Modifié par Keria : 12/20/2020 6:20:31 PM


Keria stood at the top of the Citadel in the Reef, wondering whether going on a slaughter on a battlefield was a good idea. Several heroes were killed there, Insane, Rogue, Sumpig, Blaze, and the feared hero known as Dave. Somehow, they all turned out to be perfectly fine at the end, and reappeared some distance away. She saw Insane get obliterated by a strange orb, and she challenged the Dark Council, killing 5 of them personally. After returning to her realm, she wondered how Sylver would take to her decisive breaking of the Grey Code. [i]Stripping my powers? Tossing me into exile? Imprisoning me?[/i], were her main bullet train of thought as she felt her magic steadily wither, Sylver’s tarnishing disapproval chopping her magic down to a splinter as punishment. She decided she should go somewhere else for a time, the Reef would be in good hands for some time. Or so she thought...

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