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Destiny 2

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11/21/2020 12:56:22 PM

New light missions are... Dissapointing and have no goal afterwards.

I was trying to get my friends to join me to play destiny 2 because there were new missions and i thought there might be a lot to do. After the 2-3 hours of missions and another 2 or so hours of pvp, gambit and strikes we realised that there really is not much for my friends to do because they only own the base game. I was very dissapointed as were they because they thought they finally were able to get into a fun game but were left with no options or activities outside of strikes, pvp and gambit. was just really disssapointed because I thought I could finally share a game I love playing with my friends so they can start loving it too. I hope you guys can do something for the new light players because with what you guys have given them give them no incentive to stay. Hope to hear from you soon, been with you guys since September 9, 2014

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