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Modifié par Codiak : 10/30/2020 8:03:13 PM

Please allow players to do strikes in the playlist solo.

I would really enjoy being able to play doing strikes solo. EDIT: There seems to be a massive misconception of why I made this thread. I will post a comment and update the OP. Majority of the time I see strikes as a leisure activity. Something to hangout and do. While doing that id like to very much utilize weapons that are not meta, and have fun. Now, if I am to do this, more often than not those who pair with me are using meta weapons. My point is, I cannot kill things as fast, if at all, because my weapons are not meta, and basically the entire strike I would just be running behind these individuals which is nothing but boring. Therefore, please allow me to search Strikes ON MY OWN, so I can play HOW I WANT TO PLAY with whatever weapons I chose to. Plus we all know that strikes are incredibly easy, so if I were to tackle them solo, with weapons that are not meta, it would be more fun.

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  • I've got mixed feelings on this. While I also like going into content solo from time to time, in a way it diminishes from the multiplayer experience that Bungie is trying to maintain. With that said, I like it to be an option. I think the biggest pain point for most players is the current bounty system, it is really annoying trying to complete a bounty that requires kills and be fighting with your teammates. With that said, I would propose 2 changes: 1. Rework bounties to be cooperative and have more generalized requirements. For example, instead of requiring 10 Rocket Launcher kills, require 30 Power Weapon kills across the entire fireteam (your kills count for 2). This would allow for more variability in weapon loadout and allow the team to contribute to shared bounties. This could also be done in the form of a Challenge system like we had in D1Y1 where all players have the same challenges by default. 2. Have a Firewall version of the Strike available for all strikes. This would be at the same difficulty level, but it would produce slightly less rewards. The reason for the slight reduction in rewards is to provide an incentive to play matchmaking. I don't think this would be a huge issue since most people wanting to solo strikes aren't really interested in the rewards anyway.

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