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9/17/2020 10:22:45 PM

Seventh Lesson

Ikeriabelle’s lessons, today, brought her to a rather interesting location. Within the sheer, rocky mountains was something like a natural amphitheater, save for that the wall farthest from the mountainside was composed of massive shards of silver. The path to access the location was long, winding and steep, leaving one more than a little short of breath after the climb. Keria chuckles after reaching the beginning of the path, and starts walking up. Throughout the climb, pebbles rain down from higher peaks—suspiciously faster than falling velocity. “Tut tut! It looks like rain!” Keria laughs, and continues on. As she gains ground and grows nearer to the top, the steps on the steeper portions of the path begin increasingly... softening. Not melting—there’s no heat involved, but failing underfoot like weak rubber. “This is...” Keria continues on, albeit slowly. And somehow, of course, it began heavily raining—a rare occurrence in the Valley. And somehow, of course, it began heavily raining—a rare occurrence in the Valley. “Dear lord what’re those crazies trying to do? Kill me?” Keria keeps going, although she decided floating over the steps would be safer. She eventually crests a steep rise, giving way to the amphitheater in which she is to have her lesson. Luck reclines in a lawn chair across the way. Glancing up, he says, “Took your time. What do you think this is, a walk-in poetry reading?” “Sorry. Chiara couldn’t understand the concept of, “I have to go” Keria chuckles. Luck nods, waiting for her to climb over the edge and step into the area. After she's situated, he straightens and snaps his fingers. “Now. What shall I learn today, O Illustrious Wyvern Catcher?” He gestures to a desk that most certainly was not there a moment ago. "Why don't you start by drawing the footwork diagrams for the standard crystalsheath forms--" Luck holds a hand up as she moves to comply, "Using a shardsheath as a pen." “Well. The answer is simple Luck. I don’t know the footwork for the standard Crystalsheath forms.” Keria stands still for a moment, pondering what his true intention was. "Exactly! The basic footwork documents are here," he pulls out a stack of parchments. "These were written with a normal pen, by the way." Luck waves a hand through the air. "I digress. Memorizing these is your homework. For now," he gestures at the wall of silver, "I want that replaced. Entirely. With any material except silver." “Sounds good! Mind if I use a few of my own explosives, or do I have to remove it a specific way?” "Oh, no, you can't remove it with such barbaric means. I want an exact replica, just in different materials. As for specifics, that's up to you." “Hm. What if I use a disintegration charge? We’ve been using them in The Reef for building.” "If you think you can make a to-the-centimeter replica *after* blasting the wall from existence, be my guest." “Sounds good!” Keria takes a small charge from her pocket, and places it on the wall. A small WHIIIIIRRR, and click later, the silver piece of the wall simply disappears. And Keria raises her hands, Abyssilialite flowing to replace the removed silver. "Got a lot of abyssilialite, now. Grow that yourself?" “Yep! Maraguria works way better than I thought it would.” Keria nods, appreciative of her newfound underwater-supervolcano. "Pretty close to scale. Ambition has been running you memory exercises?" “He has actually. Plus I’ve had this.” Keria takes a bronze necklace out from under her shirt, it’s curved, and isn’t a chain. “‘This’ being...?” “It’s name is Mittanaya. A torc specifically. Gives me photographic memory, and Charmspeak. Chiara’s had it for most of the time since I met her.” He raised an eyebrow. “A sagecraft creation.” “Not sure what Sagecraft is but I guess.” Keria shrugs and returns it to its place under her neckline. “Basically means better than mastercraft. Anyways, now that you have that wall constructed, let's put that memory of yours to the test. I’ll give you, ah, a minute and a half to look over the sword forms. Then you’ll draw them in chalk on the surface of the Abyssilialite.” “Huh. Let’s see.” Keria looks at the sword forms. The patterns demonstrated an odd, shifting momentum. The movements would shift between slow and sudden, forming a strange and deadly dance. “A dance...” Keria mutters. “Just like lightsaber combat...” Luck furrows his brow. “I would not recommend placing lightsabers directly on both of your arms.” “Don’t worry Luck. Already tried it. Works well, but unless you like using a curved hilt and moving your arm a lot, it’s not effective.” “And that’s why we have armsheathes. Times up. Get drawing.” “Yes Luck.” Keria starts drawing them on the Abyssilialite, slowly, but so far a near perfect replica. Luck speaks, “Congratulations, you’ve successfully printed out all of the Armsheath forms, five times in a row.” Keria looks at the Abyssialite to find that she has literally printed the forms out five times in a row. “Sorry. Must’ve slipped my mind.” “I wouldn’t expect anything less.” Luck chuckles. “These look like Ambition’s rituals. Overlapping.” “Indeed. That is how they work, they imprint magical glyphs to increase the user’s speed and momentum. Now start, minus the bladework.” Keria glances at the forms, and starts imitating them, albeit slowly. Luck watches her for a few moments, then mutters annoyedly. He waves his hand, and shards of Silver start plummeting down around her, barely missing. Eventually, she is able to move faster than the shards, and is now moving abnormally fast. Luck claps, and the shards stop falling. “Good. You can go for today Keria.”

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