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9/6/2020 7:39:31 PM

Swordcraft:First of Many

"Mára arinya Wrath. Where is the first piece?" [i]Wrath holds out a cylinder-like shape of white metal, no distinct edges, glowing a silver aura, and glistening in the under-sea light.[/i] "The Cascutine is forming as intended my Lady." "Good. Forge the first blade, and deliver it when it is finished." "Yes my Lady." A Few Days Later... Wrath is waiting outside The Dojo(Insane's), with a brown paper wrapped package in her starfire coursing arms. [spoiler]Anyone can participate in this, but the sword is for Insane.[/spoiler]

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  • *I walk up to the dojo, still dressed in the finest of attire not suit for fighting, with my sword at my side an ebony colored crown resting atop my fiery red hair. There’s a bit of a golden glow in my eyes, that matches my similarly colored skin, as I walk by.* “Greetings, I do not believe I have met you before. But I have learned any person in such a place as this can lead to any number of intriguing encounters.”

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