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Destiny 2

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6/26/2020 4:15:29 PM

A Simple Idea...

This has nothing to do with the game, just teasing Bungie a bit more. I think we should be able to see the amount of Downvotes on threads on the forum by giving them a negative value. Currently, it gets to [i]'0'[/i] and that's it. Even the most unpopular threads are at [i]0[/i] - which is evident with every new TWAB that comes out as they are always zero on the forum. The question is, just how unpopular are they? I want to see the true numbers of the TWAB threads instead of seeing [i]'0'[/i]. I'd like to think that we would see (for example) [i]-672[/i] instead of [i]0[/i]. Bungie are hiding the true numbers of unpopularity from us! Give us negative numbers beyond zero for Downvotes! [spoiler]I'm not being serious by the way and I'm just teasing Bungie for p*ssing around 90% of the forum-based playerbase off every time they say something. It would just be funny to see how unpopular their posts actually are. I'm just adding a stupid thread to the sea of negativity, which will ultimately be taken out of context and took too far (in true fashion) haha.[/spoiler]

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