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Modifié par iKARUS : 5/25/2020 5:54:52 PM

Why the almighty/Rasputin ark is weak

And poorly portrayed introduction to the deeper sides of rasp. And felwinter. Making an all knowing omnipotent ai created from one of the great minds (whoever it was) of the golden age (possibly a bray transformed into an exo then mighty world protecting interface) into a jealous man child father who apparently didnt want his "son" (probably a copy of himself) to play with others. Meh. Mehhhhhhh. With the almighty. Just send a bunch of guardians to space and super all at once. Amytime we destroy something with our abilities At a molecular level it gets vaporized, turned to ash, or fizzled into nothingness. So why bring rasputin in like we havent destroyed enemy ships before. Its almost as weak as the red legion war ark.... Despite the great cut scenes. I wont lie there.

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  • Modifié par BetweenMyself : 5/25/2020 6:27:43 PM
    Rasputin’s prime directive is to protect Humanity from all threats, both current and future. The SIDDHARTHA GOLEM (Felwinter) was created to observe Humanity, walking around under Rasputin’s control with vast stores of information rattling around in its head. Information that includes the means of utilizing Rasputin’s various weapons of mass destruction (the Valkyrie, Aurora Knives, etc.). This construct was lost to Rasputin some time during the collapse. Rasputin watched as the Traveler sent out its Ghosts, resurrecting the dead. Many of these Risen went on to prey on what was left of the scattered survivors, putting their own desires above the good of mankind. Then Rasputin noticed the GOLEM had suddenly reactivated, empowered by the Traveler’s light. He tried to reassert control over it, and failed. A walking, talking being with access to what had previously been the most destructive weapons mankind had ever known. What if it proved to be as predatory as these so called Warlords? If it turned these doomsday devices against the very people Rasputin was programmed to protect at all costs? And so he issued the order ABSALOM KNIFE to destroy the GOLEM. He drops Warsats on it. Sends Frames to destroy it. All to no avail. But he sees the GOLEM is searching his Bunkers for something. And so Rasputin lures it in with promises of one of the greatest technologies ever. And he reprograms that tech, SIVA, to do what he has failed to accomplish. He doesn’t do it out of pettiness. He does it because he [u]literally[/u] has no choice but to do so. It is his programming. It is his duty. [quote]"And weep the more, because I weep in vain."[/quote] (΄◉◞౪◟◉`)

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    • You do realize that the almighty is almost as big as mercury, right? An entire planet. We can’t destroy that with bullets.

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