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Recrutement des clans

À la recherche de clans, ou de nouveaux membres pour le vôtre.
3/17/2020 12:47:28 AM

[XB] Looking for a active and friendly clan.

[u]Over 21 years old.[/u] [u]Live in the US. Pacific Standard Time.[/u] [u]Have working headset and mic.[/u] Ive been playing Destiny since the first game came out years ago. Helped me through allot of my depression and used to run my own clan that lasted until the Forsaken DLC and i finally deleted it after years procrastination. Now I'm looking for a new non-toxic, adult, active, and friendly clan. Im not a hardcore gamer just a casual one. I love both the pve and pvp side of destiny. (as much it makes me want to through my controller at the screen lol.) I just hope the next clan i find are just as fun as the guardians I once ran throughout the system.

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  • dark awakening is currently recruiting we do our best to help each other we also like to get stuff done we're fun chill and helpful clan discord is our only requirement as its a way for us to communicate

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  • [u]We are recruiting[/u]!!! Are you a veteran Destiny player not in a clan or stuck surfing LFG to get things done because your current clan is dead? Are you an adult and understand that sometimes real life gets in the way of gaming out with the younger players that have no life outside the game? Have you ever wanted to learn how to do all the harder end game activities but could never get enough people to run them? If you answered yes to any of those questions, then GGR is for you! - We are a primarily NA/UK XB1 adult-based clan that does everything this game has to offer. Raids, Pinnacle activities, both Competitive and casual Crucible, seasonal events, weapon quests, you name it, we do it all and more. Helping our fellow clanmates grow and participate in new content is our sole focus we strive to achieve every day. We are LGBTQ+ inclusive and welcome all guardians of any age, gender, identity, religion, race between 18-118. Join us now and let us help you become even better. - [b]REQUIREMENTS:[/b] [u]Be 18+[/u] (We are all adults. School, work, families. We play this game to escape the kids.) [u]Be Mature[/u] (We cuss. A lot. If certain things offend you, it is up to you to confer with us what those things are so we can respect your boundaries.) [u]Speak English[/u] (You would think this would go without saying, but you'd be surprised.) [u]Be Social[/u] (We have a heavy presence on Discord which is our sole means to communicate with one another and set up events. Both being in the Discord chat as well as being active in it is a requirement. No exceptions. Same is true when in a fireteam. Be prepared to talk to your clanmates, being shy won't get you far.) [u]Have a Goal[/u] (What is bringing you back to this game? Are there certain weapons you're chasing? Maybe a Title? It's important that there's something driving you in this game to work towards, otherwise why are you even playing?) [u]Be Open to Advice/Criticism[/u] (Sometimes people just have to be told that the weapons they're using aren't that good and they need to adjust their loadout.) [u]Pay it Forward[/u] (We like to help people as much as we can because we know what it's like to need help and not get it. But, we also don't believe in people that join a clan only to benefit themselves. If you receive help from us or plan to, we strongly ask that you be willing to help other clanmates with things they need when you have the availability.) - If you can agree to the above conditions then join our Discord now to begin your new life as a member of Global Guardian Regiment! [u][b]DISCORD:[/b][/u] [u][b]CLAN PAGE:[/b][/u]

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  • Hey we're looking for more people to add to our group circle of friends and started doing raids and hoping to do some new raids and stuff like that soon as we are still growing, we have a discord and a destiny clan for when we play, but you need to join the sever to be in the clan but if you have a group already but want people to play with then your welcome to join the sever. If you have any questions just send a message 🙂

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  • Consider joining us at Initium Novum! Below are links to our clan, and recent recruitment post. Feel free to DM me if you’re interested :)

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  • Wish Endear [Xbox1][NA/EU] [b]Wish Endear[/b] [i]Endearing wishes over ending[/i] Wish Endear is a new clan seeking active, friendly, and helpful players who are interested in helping others, grouping up in PvP/PvE, and joining us for clan-based activities. We welcome New Light players, D1 veterans, casuals, sweats, triumph seekers, etc. All are welcome! We are a mix of NA and EU/UK players combined. [u]Rules:[/u] - 18+ - Have a mic - English-speaking - Be kind/respectful/chill - Participate in Discord - Be active (once a week is ok!) - Willing to participate in Clan activities & help out others [u]Join here:[/u] [url=][/url]

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  • May this clan give you a similar or better experience from when you first played destiny

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  • You sound perfect for us.

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