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Destiny 2

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Utilisateur anonyme (effacé) 1/13/2020 10:46:58 PM

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  • It’s weird that such a passive player (not reaching level 100 in 3 months) would care about bringing the farm back in the mix. 🧐 If anything. I could see people wanting the Reef back. But . . . maybe that will be a reskin season in our future. The Farm is fine. Bad weed tho.

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    • Modifié par Fallos : 1/13/2020 11:00:30 PM
      News: The new project is going well, best Bungie employees are putted in there. To the other news: Community of D2 is not satisfied by the game.

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      • Modifié par Demon_XXVII : 1/13/2020 1:17:48 AM
        [quote]Can we get a move on with the Darkness story line? [/quote] [b]This really needs to happen in the next season (but not be part of the season pass....which also needs something other that 6 man team shoot) [/b] [quote]go to war with the ultimate evil? [/quote] [b]Luke & Tess? 😆[/b] [b]As for fighting the Darkness, can’t see that will happen until we meet the Veil in D3[/b] [quote]Can I please have more Hive armor and weapons?[/quote] [b]This should have been & maybe can be put into the Altars, The Pit & maybe Scarlet Keep/Festering Core strikes[/b] [quote]Please use the Farm[/quote] [b]I think Bungie’s love for Destiny [i]bought the Farm[/i] when they insisted on this D2/LS partnership[/b] [quote]It should have replaced the Tower from the beginning for lore/story purposes.[/quote] [b]It should, but now I use it to escape the annoyance that is Tess screeching/flashing me when landing into the Tower....The Farm like a weekend retreat 😆[/b] [quote]Can you get rid of the elemental mod restriction, no-one likes it[/quote] [b]+1 Power Level Thumbs Up👍[/b] [quote]allow us to change the elemental affiliation of armor[/quote] [b]Agreed, I’m absolutely fed up of getting good roll/65+ armour that’s Arc & mainly used for Shitguns[/b] [quote]Make obtaining prism and shards easier/ cheaper[/quote] [b]The costs of Prisms & Ascendent Shards are appalling - around 130 needed in total to MW a solitary piece of armour! I see NO point in master working armour ...the economy is bonkers, the returns for doing so are negligible And then next season, Bungle make it all worth shit by adding new seasonal mods & the Artifact mods that won’t work with the element affinity Armour 2.0 is a nerf, disguised as content grind! [/b] [quote] concrete news on what the next few months of Destiny will be. What is the plan going forward? [/quote] [b]Bungie will give [i]nothing[/i] away [/b] [spoiler]But it will be on sale for just 1000 silver, from Eververse 😆[/spoiler]

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        • Um on that note of Hive Knights with wings...ya um WTF!!!!!! The lore Explains why he had wings. Read the Hive lore on thier Hierarchy.

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          • Bumpety

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          • We require good content. Cosmetics shouldn't be 90% of it.

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            • Hopefully they’ve created something great for what the darkness is, because the only time I recall someone from Bungie discussing it was this from Luke Smith “Here’s Luke Smith speaking to Kotaku on their podcast: “At a point, just totally candidly, we had no idea what [The Darkness] was. Straight up, we had no clue. We didn’t know what it was. For a period, we chose we were going to lump all the races, and you can see this in the tool tips in the game: “Minions of the Darkness.” And we had taken all the races and said, ‘Ah, they just all be The Darkness.’ But that’s not what the IP deserves. It’s literally not. And so, what we’re doing with Destiny is we are deliberately telling a story about the Light and what it means to be chosen. And as such, we are in the process of removing the term “The Darkness” from the game because when we are going to talk about Darkness next, we need to know what it is and have a plan for it. And we do.” From

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              • There are nearly two months left in this season. They won't start hyping next season from probably 5 or 6 weeks.

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              • All valid demands. Sadly they cannot hear them.

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                • Bumpers

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                • You dont like it the season pass system. Many people do like it. Also...we have had a roadmap since before dawn launched. We dont need constant updates.

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                  • Modifié par ishikusui : 1/12/2020 11:29:42 PM
                    You can find the calendar for Season of Dawn [url=]here[/url].

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