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Recrutement des clans

À la recherche de clans, ou de nouveaux membres pour le vôtre.
8/4/2019 9:12:13 PM

EU XB1 Black Hole Blues recruiting

Hello guardian. 👋🏻 We’re a small group of friends with a big love of the Destiny universe. We’re not looking to have a massive clan where people disappear in the crowd, but rather a small gang where everybody’s included and everyone knows each other. We are at the moment 12 active players. Our goal for recruiting this time around is 6 new players. We are a mature (mostly) clan with players from all over Europe. We enjoy all types of content and are happy to help or be helped. We have a Discord server for communication and for signing up for activities. All levels of skill and knowledge welcome. Be chill, be helpful, be like water, and you should fit right in. Message me here or directly on the Xbox (GT: The Triman). Thank you for your time! [i]We're not gonna die. We can't die, Guardian. You know why? Because we are so VERY pretty. We are just too pretty for God to let us die.[/i]

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