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Destiny 2

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Modifié par pop_kid24 : 7/17/2019 3:57:36 PM

New rarity concept

So, i was just laying down trying to get to sleep yesterday and, 'blam!', i just got this idea in my head that wouldn't go away. so i decided i want to share my idea. Rarity 'Mythic'. Stylized by a bright cyan blue. This rarity is pretty much a more powerful legendary, mythic gear comes with 1 more row of ability's then a legendary, they also come with 1 random 'mythic' ability. A Mythic ability is a special ability that can give you new ability's and ability effects, it can change how your grenades and melee's work and can even change how certain weapons behave or it could give a beefed up version of a Legendary ability which would then be called a Mythic ability. Like say a piece of mythic armor grants a 'mythic ability that gives a 15% increased reload speed to a certain weapon archetype. Mythic gear could be obtained by a few different ways, but i'd only pick one of these as the method for getting them; upgrading a legendary from a masterwork to a mythic, from extremely difficult challenges like a harder version of a raid or nightfall, or as very rare random drops Rarity 'Relic' Stylized as a prominent dark orange these are very special pieces of gear that come with tremendous benefits but also have harsh restrictions. these equipment's do not allow exotics to be equipped, and only one can be equipped at a time. Like for example say there was a relic called 'Blitzkrieg'. It grants a 50% increased fire rate and a 75% increased stability and a 20% increase to mag size for 'Auto rifles, pistols, smg's, scouts, pulse rifles, hand cannons, machine guns and grenade launchers. but it comes at the cost of not being able to reload until the mag is empty and slows your super regen and ability regen by 50%. I also thought of a rarity i called Pearlescent, they would be treated like exotics. Stylized by a heavenly white and grey. They would be gear of the Light, that offered special equipment exclusive ability's, like say one switches your grenade for a special one that does 100% more damage to creatures of darkness and heals allies caught in it's effect this was just some concepts i thought up that i thought could be cool additions to the series

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