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Destiny 2

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6/23/2019 9:11:17 PM

Duplicate Characters and Raid Drops

It would be nice to change the current system we have, to make it more appealing to have multiple characters of one class, I'm aware that people at Bungie don't want players to feel like they have to have 3 characters of the same class in order to reach the max level cap as fast as possible but there are other ways to work around this. For people unaware of the current system, here is a post summing it all up: "Second and third characters of the same class no longer get drops from raids if the first character of that class has already raided that week (this was implemented in Warmind). But all of the other sources of drops should still be available, just as non-powerful drops." [url=]Source[/url] Why cant we have a system where the 2nd and 3rd character will still get loot from the raid, just as non-powerful drops? I've spent almost 2000 hours playing D2, 1300 of which are on my Titan, I simply dont enjoy playing the game as a Warlock or Hunter. So when I'm helping my friends get through the various raids, I'm always missing out on possible loot which would just be nice to have, even as a non-powerful, it would make the whole process of helping people much more rewarding and maybe even make it more appealing for people to play more raids throughout the week in general. If I enjoy to play a class, then please let me, without any drawbacks. With all the recent updates and future expansions which are making their way into Destiny 2, the game is looking really great, It would be nice to see this change make it in the game aswell since I really don't see anything about it, that would make the experience worse for anyone. I'm open to any other ideas or thoughts aslong as they're constructive and civilized, thanks for reading.

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