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Modifié par Full Send : 9/13/2018 9:16:57 AM

My idea for armor sets BONUS REWARDS

Warlock plvl 521 Hello! I recently just acquired the full vanguard season four suit and completed that quest you get, right? Then I was thinking, besides the sense of accomplishment I got when getting that final gear (vigil of heroes boots) , I wish there was some kind of in-game bonus/reward for wearing a full suit. Because how rarely does anyone wear the full suit head to toe? So I started thinking of what bonus could that be. BTW, I love that you can see the whole suit in the 'collections' menu. Anyway, how about a personal 'bright paragon' buff that gives you [u]Increased XP gains and loot from[/u] *insert suit specific activity*. i.e Vanguard suit is strikes, crucible suit is crucible, open world suits is public events for that destination (Scatterhorn suit for Tangled shore, etc) , raid suit is raid, etc. So what do you think? Should wearing a full suit give you a bright paragon buff?

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