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publié à l'origine sous : Redrix's Broadsword Quest Steps
8/18/2018 12:18:07 AM

I would like to get a year two upgrade come to the Redrix’s Claymore. Fast forward a couple of months and most people that care to get the broadsword will probably already have it... I want to be running around with a Redrix’s Claymore so people know what I had to do, and that I got it when it was actually hard to get it! Thibk of it as an adept weapon... Sure the name is the only thing that’s different about the gun, as well as some changes in color, but it’s the name that makes the big difference. Imagine going into a game and seeing three out of four guys rocking a Broadsword, then you inspect the last dude and you see he’s got a Claymore, you know he had to go through hell to get that weapon!

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    It at least saves the exclusivity of the claymore so it feels like less of a slap in the face. I just don’t think it’s fair that the Broadsword that could be earned with time by anyone, can be better than Claymore. If you make a gun like the Broadsword, the least you can do is bring up the Claymore with it so that the people that earned the Claymore can enjoy the gun they grinded so hard to get and not some copy of it!

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