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publié à l'origine sous : Redrix's Broadsword Quest Steps
8/18/2018 12:16:00 AM
Is there a chance for bigger maps? 6vs6 on blackout isn‘t funny. Another humble request to the bungie employees. I played a lot of pvp matches, lost more than normal with this current matchmaking, but if I win a match with a team, none of them (including my humble self) got a catalyst. I am slowly losing hope for the vigilance wing catalyst and in cruicible. That isn’t your purpose or from destiny 2. I think the drop rate is too low. Could you make a higher drop rate? I‘m honest. I quit every 5-30 match. My team too. I think that is the problem. You get nothing if you lose. Why should I play this one side match till the end? I abhor cruicible more and more. Is there a chance for a change?

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  • Nope - there isn't - they just don't care. Bungie will do whatever they need to, to make you play this broken PVP - tie rewards to it, special gear, almost anything - because they no if there was no incentive, no one would play it. I don't blame you for quitting matches - there should be separate matchmaking for single player - there should be better respawn points, larger maps, less blinking cheating players - but there isn't - they just don't give a damn about this game mode - they even ship it broken every time there is an update... My advice, don't take it too seriously - leave every unbalanced match and report every player you think is cheating...and don't believe for a second that Bungie is "listening" - this broken game mode is proof they never did...

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  • I won‘t say that I need everything in this game, but with this current state in d2 better player getting preferred. I thought bungie wanted to avoid this situation in d2. The catalyst are the same like random rolls. If you got one, you have far better chances to win a fight. Same with the random rolls. I‘m sort of glad for a return. That is not my problem. My problem is that the drop rate is deliberately kept short. I would say I‘m a ordinary cruicible player. I‘m always in the top 3 and won a lot of matches in the last week. During this period I haven‘t seen a catalyst. My team too. The drop rate is questionable. I would like to know the exact percentage. My friend won over 100 matches and haven‘t a single drop yet. That tells me the drop rate is under 1%. Stupid.

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  • I got the Jade Rabbit And Vigilance Wing catalysts just by playing quickplay...I think the odds are higher than 1% - if the drop is 20% - your friend just may have got the losing 80% a hundred times... That said, RNG in this game is screwed up - when I was playing escalation protocol, my very first match dropped the sparrow AND the ghost - I didn't even know it could do that - I know some that have played 60+ escalation protocols and haven't had anything...then my second match, the shotgun dropped...30 matches later I got the sniper... Back to PVP catalysts though, I don't know if they were worth it - even after they dropped you need to kill 250 guardians to activate them...that is a hell of a grind...

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