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publié à l'origine sous : Redrix's Broadsword Quest Steps
8/17/2018 11:51:07 PM
The only reason most played was to get the Claymore. The reason most people will play in Season 4 is to get the Broadsword. The population will actually increase.

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  • People will play 25 matches. A match takes an average of 10 minutes per game. 25*10=250. 250/24 = about 10 and a half hours. So people play 10 and a half hours, and then what? Go figure what happens when people finish those 25 games.

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  • You have to remember that most people probably won't go after it immediately. They'll likely complete PvE stuff first and start on it afterwards. Everyone has a different speed at which they go through the content. The hardcore players, Streamers, and jobless people like me will smash through everything quickly, but we're a small portion of the playerbase.

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  • I know that, but if there's no end goal in the competitive playlist, the numbers could get even worse than they are now. All I want is there to be a reason to play glory. The playlist currently has no final reward (or mid point reward) forecast in Forsaken. What is the point of playing it if you already have Redrix's? You can get Broadsword day one if you've got it now. I want there to be a reward from reaching Fabled, and I think Redrix's should stay in the competitive playlist. Not a fan of this quest and that is only because it changes Redrix's from being a "competitive crucible grind" reward to being a "just play crucible for a long time and we'll give you a really cool gun". Opinions will be opinions and I have a strong one about this. We will see how everything pans out in Forsaken.

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  • Agreed.

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