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publié à l'origine sous : Redrix's Broadsword Quest Steps
8/17/2018 11:45:49 PM
Please never lie to this community again to get us to play something. I know its a hard ask, and you all cant help yourselves, but just try. OK dmg? Lipstick on a pig is still a pig and this little loophole you all just used to wiggle out of your previous words is bogus and janky.

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  • so Bungie is quick to respond, and make positive changes to their game and that's a bad thing? this grind is still substantial but it's not the shitty kind like the claymore.

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  • NO. Devaluing what many of us did by offering up a better version of the gun for way less of a grind is not a positive change. Its definitely a slap to those of us who grinded out that bullshit comp season. But since so few of us did the rest of you take the view point of who cares. Anyone spewing that oh but you get an emblem bullshit deserves to be pissed on in both eyeballs. the grind isnt substantial at all. You dont have to win games, you can simply walk away. Theres nothing on the line. lets not kid ourselves, steps 1 through 4 will happen by accident just by using the lance. the only remotely tedious thing is the rank ups which many will just abuse on the double and triple valor weeks so no, this isnt remotely even or fair for us, but in your eyes, im sure it is positive.

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  • Agreed this gun and quest are total bs

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  • The grind in s3 for the claymore was terrible and not worth it at all especially when you factor in shit like cheese farmers, account recovs, DDOS'ers, all that shit. I love PvP and i enjoy a competitive grind but that shit on top of no radar made it the most unfun thing especially for solo players. you're extremely biased in your view and I am as well so our discussion will go nowhere.

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  • Modifié par ICanDodgeABullet : 8/18/2018 12:15:22 AM
    factor in all the stuff you said and what it boils down to is, some of us wanted it more than others. i dealt with 2 nasty ddos actions. i dealt with farmers. who knows, maybe a couple account recovs. didnt matter, i got it done. and others did as well. we didnt let that stop us. so we earned that shit literally. im only slightly salty at you all being handed a better version of what we more pissed about the time wasted doing it. they said it was exclusive to season 3 then use a loophole to make it available to everyone in season 4. why lie and waste our time i could have spent playing something else? then to make the quest easy is reallllllly what ticks me off. if they made people at least have to win their games like we did that would have been somewhat more fair. pffft.

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  • We basically beta tested comp for an emblem

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  • it may be easy to people like you or me who actually play pvp but this will change nothing for those that dont enjoy or arent very good at pvp at all. most people look at this quest and say yeah nope not doing that. people who enjoy pvp look at it and see an easy quest that will just take some time. I don't think its such a bad thing to reward people who enjoy pvp. also people who have claymore will get broadsword right off the bat easily so its not that bad. pretty much everyone i know who has the gun, cheesed it. its already lost its prestige for me long ago which is why i didnt bother grinding for it.

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  • Sorry to hear your friends cheesed it. Many of us didn't.

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  • Also, I don't think this devalues the people who grinded for it legit at all because that is a trophy for you and only you. if they never did this and just kept it as is it would have just grown irrelevant in s4 due to more guns with more perks and random rolls on top of mods. you guys have your trophy and your headstart, as well as the prestige of owning the OG gun. I can understand your frustration but I think you're being somewhat greedy at the same time. even this new grind will be too much for a lot of people so it's not being handed out like candy.

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  • I'm one who is personally salty over this whole situation, but I have to admit, you make some really solid points here.

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  • so we have the og gun, and they make a better version and hand it out... and you think thats fair and im greedy for thinking thats bogus? lets reframe it. YOU mow someones 5 acre lawn for 5 hours and they pay you 50 bucks. Then I come along and trim a couple corners you missed and they pay me 500 bucks. They see you standing there like wtf so they give you a plaque that says original mower of lawns and a high going to feel some type of way or nah?

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  • [quote]so we have the og gun, and they make a better version and hand it out... and you think thats fair and im greedy for thinking thats bogus? lets reframe it. YOU mow someones 5 acre lawn for 5 hours and they pay you 50 bucks. Then I come along and trim a couple corners you missed and they pay me 500 bucks. They see you standing there like wtf so they give you a plaque that says original mower of lawns and a high going to feel some type of way or nah?[/quote] Far as I can see it, you aren’t greedy. You’re elitist. You grinded. You endured. You earned it. The Claymore. It will always be the Claymore, the other one will be the Broadsword. Who cares if it’s essentially the same gun? It’s a trophy. One that you have and no one can take away from you. Let that be enough. You and many others with your view are just being petty. And yeah, if I mowed a lawn and got paid a smaller amount than someone later on doing less work, guess what? It’s not my money, they can pay who they want, when they want. That’s life. I got paid what I agreed to and I’d be content with that.

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  • redrix is not meant for Jimmy the average solo player..

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  • Not really.... plans change all the time, welcome to life. I doubt they had this all planned out 4 months.

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