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Destiny 2

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6/25/2018 7:18:42 AM

Interesting Forsaken/Other Story-telling Ideas

1) Chicken in the tower with Cayde’s cloak (pls add Bungie) 2) What if we captured Cayde’s personality into some bot similar to a ghost so that we get his fun goofy dialogue but he is still dead? 3) Cayde forseeing his death through the vex gates and such? 4) Please allow us to keep learning more about Cayde’s story and lore like his family and such after he passes. We need closure with stuff like his progression as a character ie maybe with Deep Stone Crypt. 5) seeing the reactions to our loss of Cayde and development with Shiro. 6) What about doing something with white moths or something like bugs that are attracted to light? Like imagine a dramatic cinematic where a character dies and when the light fades from them a space moth flies up to their body? Cool symbolism. 7) caydes cape as a hunter cloak in remembrence.

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