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Destiny 2

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4/25/2018 5:10:24 AM

Anyone Else Feel Like the Damage Has Been Done?

Yeah, Ive heard all the youtubers saying how September will be great again yadda yadda. After watching the Warmind DLC stream I just feel like the damage to the game has been done. All it is is more tokens, armor that doesnt do anything, grind for things that change your game 0.04%..the list continues. Crucible looks like the same old same old.. I used to think in D1 that gitting gudder at Destiny pvp was the real end game. But in D2 its just the same old thing. Idk.. Its just been so much bullshit. Feels like whatever they do the game is just meh.

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  • [quote]Yeah, Ive heard all the youtubers saying how September will be great again yadda yadda. After watching the Warmind DLC stream I just feel like the damage to the game has been done. All it is is more tokens, armor that doesnt do anything, grind for things that change your game 0.04%..the list continues. Crucible looks like the same old same old.. I used to think in D1 that gitting gudder at Destiny pvp was the real end game. But in D2 its just the same old thing. Idk.. Its just been so much bullshit. Feels like whatever they do the game is just meh.[/quote] Definitely. I was hooked on D1 and played it way too much for all 3 years. D2 was losing my interest within a few weeks. I kept on to do everything in the initial release to get my $$ worth then I left. Best thing that ever happened to me in gaming. After stepping away, looking at these games again is super revealing what a bs trap they are. Bungie are very shady, near criminal, and liars. Nothing about that leads to long term success for Destiny.

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