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publié à l'origine sous : Incoming Developer Commentary about Destiny.
11/29/2017 5:27:14 PM
Hey Gang, Just wanted to say that I think you guys are doing a great job, and as with any electronic media this will get better over time as it is tweaked. Players in D1 complained about having to grind for a God Roll weapon, so you leveled the playing field. Players in D1 complained about subclasses being too powerful, so you leveled the playing field there as well. There are a lot of new mechanics that people won't be nuts about because it's not what they remember, but a lot of these people complained about the old system as well. You just keep doing what you're doing, and the handful of positive players will continue to support you. I'm not sure when people decided that you had the option to send a video game developer your list of demands (I want and Oompa Loompa NOW daddy!), but whatever helps people get it off their chest so they aren't traumatized for the rest of their lives for the sake of progress. Personally, I think we would have all been burnt out on D1 after a couple months if we knew how to grind it then like we do now, and we really have no one other than ourselves to blame for taking shortcuts. I took a few myself, but I still enjoy playing every week, and helping people complete the activities they need help with. I'm excited to see what changes are coming, D2 is a living experience and I know that it will grow and evolve over time. The short version: A little positivity to partially offsite the salt that gets thrown around. You've done a fine job, and I'll be itching to fire up the game next week and get started on new content. You do you Bungie, and thanks for the time and hard work you've put into this game!

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  • The 75% drop off in people playing would suggest you are wrong bud. Good luck you and the other 25% who are happy with game, im sure the income generated by you guys will keep this game thriving !

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  • Wrong about what, exactly? That I enjoy playing the game, or that the people crying about it are entirely too entitled?

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  • Not trying to start a fight but did you play destiny 1? I'm always curious about this because anyone defending destiny 2 makes me wonder. I've noticed for a long time that d2 was aimed at people that play 2 hrs a week. After playing d2 since launch and maxing out I can tell you the hardcore crowd was forgotten about.

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  • Yessir, I've got about a month of solid gameplay in D1. I played the Beta, and picked it up at launch. I don't exactly think the Hardcore crowd was "forgotten about", but they tried to make room for the casual players who felt left out in D1 because they weren't max light with a Gjallarhorn and wouldn't get invited to raids because of it. I consider myself a very hardcore player (aside from Trials), and I've still found ways to make D2 fun. You have to remember, at this point in D1 we didn't have a lot to do either, although the rewards were a bit more pleasing back then. It will get better.

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  • So it's not obvious to you how casual they made d2 compared to the first? Weapons and armor will not get better if they aren't made to change them.

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  • Weapons and Armor are what they are due to the amount of people crying about how they were. I couldn't tell you how many of my friends used to gripe about God Rolls on certain weapons and how they never got that one roll and how they had to grind a strike over and over and over trying to get it. This is the proposed fix. Granted, it makes all weapons and armor pretty much the same, but they had to start somewhere. Many of those same friends who complained in D1, are now complaining that their weapons and armor aren't unique enough...which means they'll basically complain anyways. These are the people who never get legitimately killed in Crucible because "that guy was cheating" or "that weapon is so OP, you shouldn't use it!". Long story short, I certainly couldn't have made the game better, so I'm appreciating what they have provided.

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  • I don't play PvP. It to me is also why weapons are neutered.

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  • I can respect that. I generally only play it for the Milestones or when Iron Banner comes around. I did like the way D1 had Crucible configured, as far as being able to select a game mode and having 6 man teams, but there again I'm willing to consider the change. I respect your position, and appreciate the open minded discussion.

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  • God the amount of negative Nancy’s on these forums is actually sickening. This must be where all the deplorables from the basket hang out now 🤣

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  • That's a whole different can of worms entirely. Bungie is a sensitive enough topic without bringing politics in as well lol.

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  • Get a grip!! It's idiots like you that enable Bungie / Activision / EA / Warner Bros etc think they can pull all this shit and get away with it. Stop trying to curry favour and use your brain. "Oh thank you Bungie for nerfing XP, oh thank you so much Bungie for flat out lying about it, Oh thank you Bungie for the cash grab that is Curse of Osiris, oh I love you so much Bungie for removing all the improvement made to the franchise in time for Destiny 2". Is that enough "positivity" for you??

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  • I could care less about "currying favour" honestly. It's about not being an entitled little turd. People worked hard on this game, and if you have some tips for how they could make it better, I'm sure they would be interested. But you might have to formulate those tips into something other than "this sucks, fix it or I won't play". Destiny 2 is a game that I continue to enjoy playing, even though I'm maxed out, because I didn't have any preconceived expectations about what the game should be. I took it for what it was, played it, enjoyed it, continue to play it. Last time I checked, nobody forced us to purchase the game, and nobody forces us to continue playing.

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  • Ohh shut up plz

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  • Does the positivity hurt your eyes?

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  • No not at all. What did being hopeful and positive get us from bungie the last 3.5 years? This crap game we call D2. Lie after lie after lie. I dont know about you but im a consumer and as such i hate being lied to in my face. I work for my money and dont like wasting it. I dont know you but i have to assume you are a teen and your parents buy this stuff for you by the way you sound and thats fine too but im not down with that. Being positive is one thing and being taken advantage of is another. You are a victim here or your parents money bro wake up. Stop cutting bungo slack and demand your moneys worth. D2 should have been amazing from the start. We gave enough feedback to make that happen.

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  • Modifié par Chadow Lives : 11/29/2017 9:28:46 PM
    It's funny, because I would have assumed the same about you by the fit you appear to be pitching because D2 wasn't exactly how you wanted it to be. I'm a Day 1 D1 player, with a month of continuous play time. I get it, it's not perfect, but there's a respectful way to go about the things you want in life, which is what much of this community has forgotten. Nobody forced us to buy this game, nobody forced us to pre-order it months in advance, and still yet nobody is forcing us to continue playing it. As or the guess about age and status, I'm 33, a home owner, and I work full time. There's a lot to be said about assumptions.

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  • Sounds like a good life congrats.

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  • All I'm saying is that the people at Bungie are people just like the rest of us. We've become a society of witch hunts and protests, when we could do just as much by peacefully communicating our concerns. I do agree that the Destiny Community has suffered some losses, and maybe not all of them are a bad thing, but some are. We could spend all day looking for someone to blame, or we could come together like the community we used to be, and find an answer in a more supportive way.

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  • So how do you feel about the annoucement from yeaterday? You think its enough? Do you even believe them?

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  • I mean, I don't see why they would bother publishing it if they didn't intend to do something about it. I do believe them, and honestly it's more than I had hoped for. You have to remember, I'm from a time when a game was a game and there were no updates. I appreciate their effort in trying to address the concerns of the community, while also respecting the fact that there is no way possible to appease all the players at once. They have a short period of time to push these updates, which brings with it a risk of other portions of the game malfunctioning. I myself would prefer quality work over rushed work, but they are probably pulling longer hours now just to try and please the audience. I think we should be thankful for what they give us, try it, THEN criticize.

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  • I respect that but i dont agree. Being nice and peaceful with coorporations gets us no place good for us. Only after they gplot busted several times and the outcry are they willing to even acknowlege certain things.

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  • You are why companies get away with pure bullshit. You are very anti-gamer.

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  • I'm listening. Is there any substance to your comment, or just blind accusation?

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  • You have a point. But there are 2 sides to this street. I think the developers are absolutely amazing and never get remotely close to the credit they deserve. This game is produced by HUMANS, not just automatically generated and changed. But leveling the playing field is one thing, but it seems with this they have also removed some reasons to even play the field. Even if the weapon advantages were removed, the constant re-skins and loot system is in need of improvement. Sell > Slot machines. The Hard Light energy type should change like the Borealis, making it even more useful. Its literally just an Auto with 3 mods. Bad JuJu and Red Death were fun. Dragons Breath was fun. I honestly think pandering to casual players is the detriment to far too many games. Casual players are casual since they spend money and LEAVE to the next game immediately. Companies label bad players who love the game and never leave as casual. Those aren't casual, those are people who need to improve or help completing content. And when they do, the satisfaction is amazing. Not the same as dumbing down the content for the people who are already waiting for anthem or leaving to Fortnite regardless. Last thing, people hated the grind in vanilla destiny, but the later destiny grind was beautiful. This is a loot picnic... with slot machines.

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  • Thank you for the constructive response, that was the intent of the post in the first place. We have too many entitled gamers out there, who have grown up on instant gratification and now think the entire world works that way. I don't agree with all the changes 100%, but experience has shown that the devs will continue to work on making it a better product as it evolves. Sometimes you have to try something a little new to call it a sequel. If they kept everything the same as it was, then it would basically just be DLC.

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