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11/28/2017 8:50:22 PM

Incoming Developer Commentary about Destiny.

Hey, there. Tomorrow, we had planned to conduct the final stream prior to the launch of “Curse of Osiris” to show off some of the weapons and armor the expansion includes. Instead, we are investing all our efforts into delivering some higher priority information about Destiny 2. You’ll hear from studio leadership about their assessment of Destiny all up, they’ll talk about our goals for the game going forward, and you’ll also learn about how we’re reacting to your feedback with some game updates that will arrive in the next few weeks. That will appear on the Bungie Blog on Wednesday. Thank you, DeeJ

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  • 1
    And now the big thing is out as i can see? - Dudes...90% of the text is just the stuff they told us in the first stream a few weeks ago.. or do i just feel so? I dont know.. perhaps its just not the stuff i expected to read.

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  • Modifié par KillShot_PR : 11/29/2017 11:23:35 PM
    After reading the blog its clear that the issue is you guys being the most stubborn developers in history, no one asked for a purely RNG vendor system, for weapon perks to be lock on, to go back to a multi currency mess. With that sort of fixed (because im sure you'll mess it up somehow too) we still have the issue of being limited on what weapons we can use, ammo synths needing to return and ability recharge time is still low regardless of what gear you are using. But hey i know it will be fixed when the September expansion comes, though that also means having the entirety of year 1 (or 4 which every way you look at it) scrapped again.

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  • Good to hear Deej. I know for myself and I think for a lot of people here we just have loved and supported this game for so long we just get frustrated with the choices made in the game. Live team weren’t perfect but they made many great changes and updates to keep us active and playing for three years. Destiny 2 removed a lot of those plus a lot of the design decisions and rewards aren’t as enjoyable. Token system, raid loot, lack of raid perks, exotics easy to get but vault space and duplication still a massive problem. Discussing this with my clan yesterday one of my friends put it very simply “I really liked it that you had to do certain things, sometimes a lot of times, to get what you wanted” Exotics and levelling up has become too easy but with no point as power doesn’t matter (outside DPS increase in raid) High level rewards should be gated behind higher level content, and they should be worth it For me my areas of frustration are PVP. If I could wave a magic wand I would have Quickplay as 6v6, competitive as 4v4 ranked playlist, punishment for leaving (timeouts, bans, loss of ranking) TTK increased across the board to slightly below D1 levels, buff don’t nerf. Allow solo players a chance to compete There is a lot of frustration and salt on the forums/reddit. Whilst there will always be a toxic few I feel the majority of it comes from a genuine love of the game and a frustration when we see our friends list disappearing and aren’t motivated to play ourselves. I want to love D2 and play it for years with my friends. At the moment it’s getting too hard, simply I don’t feel as powerful and it doesn’t feel as fun. Balance and fairness doesn’t equate to fun and longevity in a power fantasy. We know you community peeps have a thankless job and that you would love to share more and fixmore if you could. Keep doing what you’re doing, share your plans and we will be with you

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    • Modifié par Wicked_Winnie : 11/28/2017 10:36:06 PM
      [quote]You’ll hear from studio leadership about their assessment of Destiny all up, they’ll talk about our goals for the game going forward, and you’ll also learn about how we’re reacting to your feedback with some game updates that will arrive in the next few weeks. [/quote] Whatever, at this point I think we are all prepared for more bullsh*t to be shoveled our way. Bungie has a LONG way to go to earn the trust of the community back. tl;dr: We'll believe it when we see it

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      • 1
        Part of the problem is a lack of timeline. A post about changes... No timeline

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      • Where is this!!!!

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      • [b]How long are you going to make us wait,[/b] the stream was going to be a few hours ago, and you said this was high priority stuff, so let's have it. . You could have done the stream, and then made us wait.

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      • I really hope you guys understand that most people who loved Destiny are not fans of these drastic changes. Removing special weapons, random rolls, raid perks, grim score, etc. D2 removed so much fun AND reason for us to play. Many of us frequent the forums but hardly play in the hopes that destiny will be worth playing again.

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        16 commentaires
        • I've been searching for ever... Where is this blog of yours or are we using the term blog here for a forumpost?

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        • I’m betting we’re not going to get any news. This is bull.

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        • This feels like a step in the right direction, but action will be the final determination on this. I've been holding out now and am down to probably the least amount of Destiny play since the announcement of the conclusion of Destiny 1, D2 just hasn't had that same magical feeling that made D1 a fantastic game. This is really going to be a make or break point for a very large number of players in the community, so I'm hoping that the critical points are heard loud and clear. Personally, in the order of importance for me, the following are must-do changes: 1. Revert the weapon system back to Primary, Special, and Heavy, and increase the power of weapons in PvE to bring back the feeling of power. Remove special ammo drops from PvP outside of one player pickups (How power ammo works now), and heavy ammo only dropping when killing a player in their super to balance the gameplay. 2. Revert the subclass system back to D1 style node selection and instead expand upon the system adding more options to choose from. 3. Reintroduce random perk rolls on gear, add raid specific perks to all raid gear, and PvP specific perks to IB / Trials gear. 4. Buff abilities on classes, and make cooldowns much quicker, there is no reason to suppress the fun factor 5. Reintroduce the ability to replay missions, strikes, playlists at will Those five are absolutely critical to me personally. Outside of this, I would like to see these points touched upon: * Removal of tokens in favor of a D1 style economy * New classes * New elements * More to do in patrol * New endgame PvE options * New raids with each DLC, not these silly "Raid Lairs" that revisit the same locations * More inventive strikes * LARGER DLC offerings (I'm talking 15+ missions, 3+ strikes, with each DLC) * New enemy types, races, we need something new and inventive, not a rehash of the old. * Bring back the power to exotic gear, there should be a reason to want to hunt these down * Quest exotics, hidden exotics So pretty much everything you've already seen, but it's important to put repetition on it so you can see that it's a common feedback point. Know that I'll be waiting patiently for this tomorrow, but as I've said since the beta, you've got a long way to go, but this is a good first step.

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          39 commentaires
          • How much longer do we need to wait???

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            • Modifié par Pharaoh Rising : 11/29/2017 10:07:36 PM
              DeeJ I Love Your Game I’m a day 1 of D1 and I ain’t going anywhere by I would like if you could read this and maybe add this!AgWlElhoeaRTdVt1gh2JR_-goD8

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              • Dedictated servers. None of this popsicle and glue hybrid server garbage that let laggy players run into walls and then kill you. People that DDOS othere out of trials need to get punished quickly and properly. Your glorified beta group finder is silly. Make a in game profile board showing people who want to do the activities and let the "guides" pick a new member. I hate the token system I have so many legendary shards I want to decorate my house with them No faction ships bikes effects or different sets of faction armor. No one wants that mobility armor but if I want to look a certain way I have to eat the poor stats? All pvp game types need to make a return. Why not a snipers or rockets only game type? It's not like halo has a patent on it Pulse grenades.... Not able to look up challenges for certain activities until mid game. Even progress on challenges can't be found until you re-enter game types. What was wrong with bounties? Why not make the armor arc type a mod as well so you can just wear a hollow shell and mod it with recovery stats. Cause there's no point in resilience or mobility let's be honest. That's my rant.

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              • Four player PVE fireteams, PLEASE. :D

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                • Though I know that this won't get seen or implemented instantly if at all, I wanted to copy paste a post of mine about how random rolls could be added to try and get some awareness. Link to origanal post here: [quote]With random rolls gone, people have been begging Bungie to bring them back. But not everyone is happy with this. In taking them away, Bungie was taking away a popular grind at the request of many. Not everyone liked them. But in doing so they took away a HUGE grind and reason to keep playing. The problem is, Bungie can't have both static and random rolls, right? Right? I think that the best way to handle this is to give each Non exotic weapon both a static and random roll. Then you could swap between them in the menu. This makes it so you can still grind for that perfect roll if you want, but the gun will still be good if you get a crappy roll. If Bungie is really concerned about balance they could make it so content-locked activities will swap you to the set roll, but I don't think that would go down well. The only weapons that wouldn't work like this would be exotics (for obvious reasons) and limited time events (Iron Banner, Faction Rally, etc) that will have different rolls with different seasons.[/quote]

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                • Modifié par backswing : 11/29/2017 9:27:18 PM
                  #feedback 1. Tokens aren't fun. The thrill of having a good legendary or exotic drop has been completely removed from the game. Just youtube "I got gjallarhorn", and try and find a good parallel in D2. Fact is it's not there, you're in the tower for any exotic drop, and that's no fun. 2. Once I have all of the legendaries, what do I do with my tokens? I have almost 2000 gunsmith materials in my vault. What should I do with them? Turn them in and destroy them for legendary shards? Ok, what should I do with my nearly 6000 legendary shards? More rewarding public events=more tokens? Doesn't that just rush us faster to the same end? 3. I want to re-read some lore, am I truly to inspect literally every weapon and dig for it? Thank you for putting it in the game, that was a huge step, but honestly it's unusable as it stands. Kiosks were a great idea, would a grimoire kiosk really be that hard? 4. So there's a weapon forge? That's great! But wait...still fixed when we have all 11, it's as obsolete as the farm? 5. Raid lair? You guys are better at creating raids than anyone in the industry. Create raids. I'll hold judgement, but for real...this just seems kinda lazy, and I fear there's not much to look forward to as we're stuck in the Leviathan for at least a year. 6. I suck at supremacy, I want to play clash, ...against friends. 7. Fix shaders... expendable shaders are stupid, no one likes it. Just admit it was an awful idea, and fix it. Again, kiosks were really great. 8. Remove Wardcliff coil from the game until ammo glitch is fixed. Too many people finishing end game by cheating, then complaining there's no end game. I'm talking about BOTH glitches. One is a cheese, the other is a full cheat, and should be a permaban. 9. Make snipers worth keeping. #feedback *Edit:. I'm a PvE player, with well over 1000 raid completions between D1 and D2. I only add this to show how much I truly love this game.

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                  • I want story. I what find all the ghosts and the stories they have to tell. Which gives me the insensitive to explore every nook and cranny of the beautiful worlds you have created. Put PVP back to the way it was. Where is my beloved Rift? Why can't I play just supremacy or which ever game mode I'm into that day? I'm not sure if it's some one messing with me or what. But literally getting 'Bad News' 6 times in a row seems like a bad joke or a broken loot system. Please and thank you.

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                  • This blog post live yet or what? It 22:29pm here now and you said Wednesday bud?

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                  • Modifié par RatonMortal : 11/29/2017 10:32:20 PM
                    Here are my ideas, I'm not trying to hurt someone about your hard work, it's just a opinion about what I think and sorry about my grammar faults in advance. I'll talk just about PVP. [b]1.[/b] The "defend and plant the bomb" (competitive) it's boring. And the think about "you can revive your death teammate.." For example, imagine there are 6 dead, Who is gonna win? the guy who is better or the other who can revive their teammates? I tried to play for 2 weeks, but just is not fun, probably with friends it could change a bit. [b]2.[/b] Is not fair (may I'm wrong with it cuz I haven't played that much). I don't care if there are powerfull weapons like (bazokas, granade launchers, shotguns) but isn't fair that people who play more have better possibilities to win a match cuz they have a weapon ( it's the same weapon as I have) but their weapon do +10 dmg, have better stability, better reload speed, etc. I want to play 1h/day (while I'm with exams) and I want to play with the same possibilities than people who play 10h- 14h a day. [b]3. [/b]The competitive maps are cool (desing) May could be more verticality [b]4.[/b] The [b]crucible[/b] could have their separate [b]own weapons[/b], everyone one who enter to the queue could choose what weapon want to use. <-- With this may we could introduce the idea of take weapons from the ground, from death enemies, etc etc. The "no competitive" crucible it's really fun to play. I really hope you can change the competitive cuz I really want to play this game. #feedback

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                  • Yall complain too damn much I don't this game to go back to destiny 1 kind of game this game is call destiny 2 a new game a new direction bungie is not the reason I have a problem with this game it's yall people who complain to damn much I have a problem with yall want this and that but soon a they do give yall this and that yall go find a way to complain again just play the game and shut the hell up and play other games yall make this game too damn important for no reason

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                    18 commentaires
                    • meh you guys basically broke the game completely, I don't see any path forward to [b]really[/b] fix the game There no worthwhile loot, and there's no real way for you knuckleheads to even [i][u]create[/u][/i] new worthwhile loot because of your crappy weapon system, static rolls and balancing there will never be an Icebreaker in this game, or a GHorn, or a Thorn or Last Word or Red Death or anything really worthwhile or buzz worthy or something people get excited about, it's not about those particular weapons it's about any powerful weapons. The movement speed needs to be faster the Abilities need to be stronger and charge faster But you can't do any of that because you will totally break PvP and all the pve activities you've balanced around these crap abilities and crap weapon system I'm sorry, your game is BORING AF to play because of the garbage weapon system and lack of worthwhile loot. there are what? 5 totally different classes of weapons in the Power (FUN) Weapon slot? Shotguns, Snipers, Fusion rifles, Rocket Launchers, Grenade Launchers. all have very situational uses, yet we can only pick one, and there's not enough ammo. every single time I did a strike I've run out of power ammo and had to tickle the boss to death with my 2 primary weapons. this isn't fun, especially when you consider that you guys can't design a really interesting boss fight besides making it a bullet sponge and giving it invincibility phases and Dodge Phases. Why should I ever use anything besides a rocket launcher or Merciless? A sniper? I get all of like 10 rounds and can't deal with mobs...A Shotgun? It has no range, gets about 10 rounds and you can't get near a boss because they all have a generic "Stomp"function to blast the player back if they get close. Grenade Launcher? They suck Bungie, they really suck, sometimes they bounce sometimes they don't, they do very unreliable AOE damage .... Players will always gravitate towards the best in slot weapon for the activity and that's a rocket launcher, it's the most versatile, Merciless is also good at putting down high damage, all the others are jyst too situational to warrant taking up a slot. The Kinetic/Energy weapon idea is a total failure imo, wow....2 primary the distinction between the two is almost nonexistent. most of the time I couldn't even tell which was a kinetic weapon and which was an energy weapon because they both do the same damage. the static perks are terrible, a lot of them don't even have any synergy with each other. Your whole development team should be embarrassed and ashamed that a totally average scout rifle like Nameless Midnight is top tier, it's only top tier because it's the only scout available with explosive rounds I just don't see how you guys are going to fix this game without breaking it even more and all at the cost of your joke of a PvP system that's run on archaic P2P architecture, doesn't have ranked play or even stats in game, no custom matches or servers, terrible matchmaking and you can't even select what kind of game you want to play...shameful...its shameful. these are basic functions of PvP games Bungie, even children's PvP games have better options/functionality. It's not a content issue, it's a fun gameplay, fun and versatile loot issue on top of needing systems that work properly Like, why can't I just buy the things I'm missing/want from the vendors anymore?[spoiler]you really need worthwhile loot to buy first though, let's be real[/spoiler] <<---rant over--->>

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                    • Modifié par theREALliveguy : 11/29/2017 10:10:04 PM
                      I bet there is ALL KINDS of scrambling going on right now at the Headquarters. LOL. I mean, I can just feel the panic. It's 3PM RMT and still nothing. Fail of Titanic proportions.

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                    • This is my all time favorite game. It is very good right now. I fully expect it to get better in the future. Thank you for communicating with us. Just be open and honest and I personally will not complain.

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                      • Huge step in the right direction. Just listen to the constructive criticism and make Destiny 2 as fun as you can.

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