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Discutez de tout ce qui concerne Destiny.
Modifié par DarkEraser : 5/27/2017 12:32:46 AM

Ok......ok...... (no threats, but reminding the users of #Destiny)

I'll have to [b]Erase[/b] someone from [b]existence[/b]....if this keeps going. Who are the "misposters" that are posting their #Destiny posts in #Offtopic? Why make a #Destiny post, skip #Gaming, skip #Help, and most importantly: skip #Destiny, where your post should be at, and think that #Offtopic is the best place to put your #Destiny-related post? [spoiler]I was once a user of #Destiny, until things went downhill, so I moved to #Offtopic. Keep in mind: #Destiny and #Offtopic doesn't need know....I don't care really.[/spoiler] [spoiler]🕵[b]Erased......from......existence...[/b][/spoiler]

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