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5/2/2017 6:08:33 PM

Mass Effect: Andromeda

Name some likes and dislikes about the game. Can be about graphics, story, whatever. And be specific. Not just "it was hot trash".

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  • Modifié par inFINN1te : 5/6/2017 5:45:26 AM
    Likes: Can be downright gorgeous at times, combat is awesome when it clicks, tons of exploration Dislikes: Some of the worst dialogue and acting in a triple A game, facial animations and bugs everywhere, dull story, mostly uninteresting characters, horrid AI, can only really map 3 skills at a time, no squad commands, dialogue options are a huge Fallout 4 style placebo, crappy UI with a somehow even worse journal than ME3, most side quests suck. Multiplayer which I loved in 3 is ruined by one simple thing. Everything is a giant bullet sponge now. No joke look up weapon tests on identical enemies on YouTube and it takes way too many more shots to kill. I really hate this game. It's a giant turd and I'm sad new players will try this game and think it's an accurate representation of Mass Effects quality.

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    • My only real issue is that we need faster travel for some of these annoying ass side missions. Too many pointless missions have you flying to every habitable planet in the game just to talk to someone and fly to the next planet.. to talk again.. for like 200xp.

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    • Modifié par Vague-BAD : 5/8/2017 3:01:35 AM
      -Too many borrowed quest mechanics from DA: I, far too tedious on some (some quests have you switch instances multiple times just to talk to people) -Not enough content for the size of maps (would've preferred smaller maps for the actual amount of exploitable area.) -Characters are realistic and believable, but also makes them somewhat uninteresting in some cases. -Still a Mass Effect title with all of the same wonderful sci-fi universe -Plenty of things to do -Ability to level your character endlessly and build however you want -Actual Colony building is fun, although there is very little of it. -Fixing planets is easy and unsatisfying, gets rid of the challenges the initiative should face when colonizing new worlds -Nomad is refreshing to see, a little bit baby-proofed and easy to handle but an understandable design choice after the Mako's reception (I loved my M35) -Quests do feel strongly rooted in purpose for the most part -Kett are boring, they don't offer much for an interesting enemy. They're "evil" cause is somewhat believable, but doesn't offer any positive perspective you could empathize with. They're just "evil." Also their ships look like Grineer ships. -[b][i]BUGS[/i][/b] [spoiler]Might later be edited for more[/spoiler] [spoiler]Mostly negatives listed because I love the franchise and look at the game critically, that doesn't mean I don't love it[/spoiler]

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      • Other than no real storage for weapons and armor, other than inventory space, no power wheel, and absolutely horrendous character creator I thought it was fine. Very slow to start. Ridiculously slow. Mass Effect is my favorite series, but I actually got bored of MEA right after the first main planet. Planning to go back, but I don't have a lot of free time and MEA is 90% travel and dialogue and 10% action.

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        • If you're a mass effect fan who doesn't think everything is evil liberal commie propaganda you'll like it.

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          • Like most things about it except it's agenda

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          • Love the lack of customization, optimization of party and newfans who have never played another bioware series.

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            • I just wish I could have a Threeway with vetra and her sister, turian love

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              8 commentaires
              • Modifié par Lazyzombie2000 : 5/4/2017 5:48:34 PM
                Ok. [spoiler] Character creation - is boring and limited. Seriously, there are free to play games with more options and creativity. Small squad - I was a little disappointed with the small squad you end up with. I expected to have a human, asari, krogan, and a turian team mate. I wish out of the whole galaxy there was more then just one new race to recruit. Squad mates are useless and boring - ok I realize that some of this is preference but none the less. your team is extremely boring most of the time. There dialogue with Ryder and each other is usually basic and uneventful. The best conversations they have is when your just driving around. Let that sink in, the best they have is small conversations used to fill in dead time. Liam - boring Cora - stereotypical soldier - boring Peebee - at least has unique personality, No major complaints. Vetra - best character in the game. Drack - I liked him, but he is what you expect. A battle hardened soldier. No real surprises with his character. Jaal - is interesting, I enjoyed his dry sense of humor, but it really only came out in regards to Liam. Major complaint - your team is all but useless. You can not command the use of there biotics so your left with hoping that they set you up for a combo. You can not equip any of there equipment so I ended up not caring at all what they were doing or what they were using. My experience went like this. I played the game on normal difficulty ( which felt like super easy). Enemies are stupid in regards to cover and suppressive fire. So I ended up maining a shot gun and rushing every enemy. The result was that I could kill a enemy way before my team could prime them for a combo or help shoot them. My complaint goes deeper then that however. Because the main character can equip any 3 biotics, I quickly found that I could use the same biotics as my team and I could use them better. Effectively rendering my team completely useless. I'm 100% sure I could have easily saved the whole galaxy leaving my team on the ship. Bugs and glitches - I have experienced a ton of glitches and bugs in this game. It starts at inconvenient, moves to annoying, then punches into stupid funny. I ended up just shaking my head and excepting that I was playing a buggy game. Animation - this game will go down in my book as one of the worst triple A game I've played in regards to animation. I realize the patch helped but I played a fair portion of it before the patch was released. Also It doesn't matter if they patched it, the game was finished and shipped in a conditioned that was approved by multiple people. Perhaps next time they should think twice before shipping a unfinished product. Story - I don't believe I'm being unfair when I say the story was boring. Even the whole concept of exaltation was not completely unexpected. The main boss was boring and did not even bother to troll the main character. You basically get introduced to the main boss, you bump into him once, exchange pleasantries, you never see him again until the end of the game, the end. You don't hate the boss, the don't feel anything because he gets almost zero screen time. Nothing you do matters - something I enjoyed in the other mass effects is that decisions you had to make had major consequences shortly after and/or later. If any of the decisions you make in this game matter, you will have to wait until the next game to find out. Nothing you do significantly impacts this game at all. To prove my point, try and mess up your play through. Not in regards to a achievement but do a lousy job as pathfinder. What you will experience is almost exactly what everyone else will experience. Now certain decisions do impact the end game mission but not in regards to outcome, which would be the main concern. It changes how many or what type of enemies you fight. Ultimately whatever you choose to do or say results in a slightly different dialogue, which delivers you to the same end regardless. The core of this game is also to blame for this. The main character has the ability to equip any 3 skills and change them mid battle. The profile can also be changed at anytime. One of the major decisions in the previous mass effects was choosing your class. Knowing full well whatever you choose will not work for every situation you really needed to choose wisely. This also meant your team mates were critical to your success. If you chose a biotic it was nice to have a krogan tank with you. The point is there were consequences for the path you chose...... This mass effect has zero consequences for anything you do. Replay value - does not exist. Because nothing you do changes this game, replaying it is taxing. The biggest reason to replay is achievements and a different romance. I'm currently playing on insane difficulty, which is not difficult. I will get my completed game score and shelf this game. I wouldn't recommend paying full price for this game. And definitely dont hope that this game is better then the previous ones, because it just is not. Likes ??? Art - the worlds and environments are very good. Nothing I say will give it enough credit. I was impressed and wowed by the universe I got to explore. Exploring - as I said before the universe is very big, there is more then enough to do and explore. Gun play - fights are smooth and fluid. This is a big upgrade from previous games. The other mass effects were slow and clunky. [/spoiler]

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                • Graphics are pretty, romance can be kinda good, however despite the few moments where i've played and enjoyed myself, gameplay just feels weird and the companions are well... kinda boring. Oh yeah, animations are weird as well, not just facial animations.

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                • 1
                  Likes: most of the romance scenes are great and combat is good. Dislikes: short campaign, some of the facial animations can be a bit weird and the occasional bugs

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                • Modifié par TonyPartridge30 : 5/2/2017 9:19:44 PM
                  I like the characters (some more than others). I actually care about keeping them happy. I don't like the prevalence of bugs and glitches. I've got two glitches quests right now that can't be completed; in a game about completing quests, that shouldn't happen. Sometimes the number of things to do overwhelms me, but I actually think that's a good thing. Tasks are nowhere near as boring as I thought they would be. I've learned to deal with the graphics and weird movement

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                  • I only played the demo version (10 hour trial...made it through 7 or so hours) and I'll say this... Likes [spoiler]-The characters are very likable, and I personally love them. Well, except for Ryder. Then again, I played as Sara. I especially liked Peebee, Vetra and Drack. (Drack kinda reminds me of a mix between ME1 and ME3 Wrex.) -The multiplayer seems fun enough to me. For new players, it might get a little annoying for more higher ranking players to steal your kills. But you'll ever used to it. -The new equivalent of the Mako (the Nomad). It might be a bit more glitchy, but it's pretty fun to drive in.[/spoiler] Dislikes [spoiler]-Strangely, what put me off of this game originally was partially the combat. Felt too Gears of Wars to me. Same with the feel of the game. Changed when I played it, of course. -The technicalities before the game. (Animations, Peebee firing the Carnifex the wrong way, etc.) Updates change that of course.[/spoiler]

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                  • What I like[spoiler]-Christopher Columbus in space -I fvcking love the angara -I love the humor -story is great -I love the worlds -fast and fluid combat -it took me over 60 hours to finish -fun MP -crafting [/spoiler] What I dislike [spoiler]your choices don't mean much -character customization is shit[/spoiler]

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                  • Likes: [spoiler] Combat is vastly improved over trilogy. Characters are fairly interesting for their first introduction into the series, probably best of the series in that regard. (even garrus, tali and liara were extremely bland in ME1, got considerably more depth in ME2). Graphics are stunning. Meaningful exploration (hard to come by nowadays in open world games). Interesting sidequests that felt important to the areas you were in (glad they learned from inquisition). Great companion missions. Lots of replayability and build variety to be had. Actually intelligent ai for a change (on higher difficulties at least). The angara. Crafting that is neither overly complex nor stupidly simple. Overall good main story. [/spoiler] Dislikes:[spoiler] The low impact of choices in the game. The fact that in the end, you feel like the fight only just got started. So many unfinished plot points and cliffhangars. The final "boss" and lack of bosses in general. Not enough interrupts available. No real consequences in the game. Nobody leaves, no companions die, pissing off companions does little, all your major actions only change if a single character survives or not (hopefully in future games these things and up being bigger). Mining in general (not as bad as planet scanning though imo). The quarian ark teaser at the end showing obvious dlc. It's difficult to play an asshole Ryder. Piss poor character creator. [/spoiler]

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                  • Overall I like it, after the initial disappointment with character creation which is lacking. More time should be spent on something that is your first introduction to the game. I heard that the mechanics limit it but they could do better. My playthrough with the default Scott had less annoying animations than Sara or a custom character. This has always been a weak point in a Mass Effect game. Mods are starting to appear so maybe modding will help. I like the story and that's it's not so laid out for you, you have to keep an eye out for datapads and terminals. Pick up the bits of the story here and there....searching out clues to what happened. The collection tasks are fairly easy and can be done while exploring. Sidequests tie in nicely to the main story. I've only had one sidequest bugged that I couldn't complete...I've only done it in one game. Very few glitches of any kind. The characters are fleshed out better than in ME1 I'm looking forward to seeing more about them. Actually I'm already looking forward to dlcs and future installments. The more clues I find the more questions I'd like to see answered. Improved character creation and being able to delete low level blueprints would be things I would like to see in game. Maybe muzzle Sam a bit I know about mining zones and don't need a temp update that often.

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                  • Modifié par TheArtist : 5/2/2017 7:10:21 PM
                    The graphics for the story part fo the game were a problem. The faces and facial animations were not well-modeled. You also have a fair number of bugs and frame-rate drops. Good things? EVERYTHING else. As long as you can see past the graphical problems...and take youre time playing through the game's well-designed and thought out side-missions you are going to be treated to a VERY good game. The game play is smooth, and the story is well-written. The game just couldn't live up to 5 years of hype and exaggerated fan expectations. I've played through the game, and don't regret a penny I spent on it, or a minute that I spent playing it. The time effort and resources that didn't get spent on facial animations, was spent on gameplay.

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                  • Haven't finished it yet, only been playing a few days. So far I've had one crash and experienced a few major glitches that forced me to go back to a save point, but that can be expected from any modem game that gets rushed to release. I love the story and characters so far. Combat is awesome, exploration is fun too. My two main peeves with the game: -character creation is ridiculously limited. Very few hair or beard options and most of them look terrible. Sliders are limited and you basically can't alter enough to really make a unique character beyond the template options. -facial animations and rendering are all over the place. I had to remake my character 3 times to get him to look right, because the rendering detail is vastly different between gameplay, conversations, and cutscenes. I still have a lot of areas where my character looks super weird due to lightning or rendering bugs. Also, minorly annoyed that sometimes doors take like 20 seconds to open, and other times they're instant.

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                  • Had some weird faces and characters moving to the other side of the screen but it's rare and hasn't really been an issue. I also keep getting glitches where menus don't close. I can run around like normal but there's a huge UI in my face I can't get rid of unless I manually save for some reason. It also caused me to select a research I didn't want and set me back a bit. The character customization sucks which REALLY shocked me. Couldn't even select eye, mouth or eyebrow shape. All you can do is tweak the defaults. Someone completely dropped the ball on that one. Also, for some reason, when I tried to do the Apex missions it kept putting me in solo even though I selected "join group". Is there really no one else on? It sucks because I can't solo those. Guess I'll just have to leave it to my in-game teams. Beyond that, I'm actually enjoying it. I know a lot of people will disagree but I actually like that this game is more exploratory rather than military like it's predecessor. I enjoy the combat but it just feels refreshing to have a more "hopeful" than "doomed" undertone.

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