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3/6/2017 3:07:33 PM

Attention Offtopic.

The time has come, execute order 66.

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  • Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Pepe the Dank? I thought not. It's not a story the Normies would tell you. It's a 4chan legend. Darth Pepe was a Dank Lord of the Memes, so powerful and wise he could use the Force to influence memechlorians to create life... He had such a knowledge of the Dank Side, he could even keep his favorite memes from dying. The Dank Side of the Force is a pathway to many memes some consider to be... offensive. He became so dank... the only thing he was afraid of was losing his dankness, which, eventually, of course he did. Unfortunately, the Normies got offended by everything he knew, then they started accusing him of being a white supremacist symbol. Ironic. He could save other memes from oblivion but not himself.

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