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Recrutement des clans

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12/9/2016 10:47:06 PM

The Dirt Bags: Seeking Dope Guardians.

Mission Statement: "Keep it grimy, but keep it real!!! Dirt Bags go hard all the time and as much as they can. We all have lives but the Guardian struggle is real while your suited up!! Grind hard, kill harder! Team chemistry comes first always, no selfish guardians that screw up that chemistry, are tolerated. Last but not the least - HAVE FUN!!!!" -Frediculous Were a clan with over a dozen members seeking skilled guardians that are dedicated to the game, who love its raid mechanics and crucible. Most of us have been playing since day one. Were laid back and we love goofing around, even the occasional trash talk are all in good taste. We run a smooth raid and clan chemistry is everything for us. We always go for the optimal strategy to accomplish our goals. Were bout that guarding life and we really bout our mission statement. Were all for one here and we don't leave teammates behind. Clan First, Always. -Savage

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