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Modifié par Guyuowe20BUCKS : 9/23/2016 10:58:06 PM

The Lesson of Destiny

So I want to start this off with a little background of me and my character in Destiny because who you are and who your guardian is are very important details in defining your experience. So I am a 16 year old guy and I main a human Titan and that is the only character I have touched since the Rise of Iron released. So with that I will also say that before RI (Rise of Iron) released I was at 333 light and since it has released I have reached 347 light. Also before this goes any further this post may contain spoilers so beware as you continue to read this however it only contains all of the things within the first mission of RI so it doesn't spoil the whole story for you. When I began the first mission and the cinematic started with just a black screen and Saladin speaking I began to get chills and that's when I knew that I was in for a ride. But even with seeing all of the trailers and knowing way in advance that Saladin was the last Iron Lord that did not stop the tears from beginning to well up in my eyes as I watched Saladin rush to try and help his brothers and sisters and him just pounding on the door helplessly, wishing to reach them. Then when the cinematic ended and I began wiping the tears from my eyes I heard the ever familiar voice of my ghost begin explaining the new situation to me. Then I finally land on the mountain and I become the live demo for a game on display at E3 as I slowly walk up the mountain taking in every sight and listening intently to every background noise, the conversation between Shiro and Saladin, with that soft crunch of the snow beneath my heavy feet. I had my reliable MIDA which has never failed me since I got her in year one, my favorite sniper rifle with explosive rounds, and my raid machine gun. I still adorned my Dead Orbit exotic (which I still wear) with my gleaming Twilight Garrison (I made it a point to polish her every morning) I could go on to describe more of what I brought but I covered weaponry and exotics and this post wasn't meant to describe my character in great detail. So as I continue my climb it isn't long before I spot the first batch of enemies and though I hadn't really played much Destiny for a few weeks all of the familiarities from my gun to my subclass all clicked into place and it was like I had never left and was simply continuing my tale from where I was last. So I slowly moved in and dispatched my enemies making quick work of them as I knew my MIDA like I knew the lyrics to Bad Girls Club, which is to say so well that even without having any sort of exposure to it for over a year I knew it perfectly. (And with MIDA it was only a few weeks) So I walk towards the gondola and send my ghost out to open the door for me and I walk in taking note of the extensive decay of the gondola and I realize that there is no possible way that I will reach where I was hoping using this gondola. Sure enough the Fallen begin reigning down fire from the nearby cliffs and I defend myself fairly easily as I had a scout rifle and I had cover while the Fallen had a distinct lack of it. Soon after one of the dropships takes a shot at the gondola blowing off the side of it and before my ghost can even tell me my instinct kicks in and I take the leap. As I land I take a look back at what was left of my ride up here. "I guess that won't be how I get down from here." (yes I talk to myself especially when I play games, I'm sure plenty of you do it too) I began my ascent up the mountain making sure to pay attention to everything said by the characters speaking into my ears. As I climbed more and more the sound of the wind became very prevalent the howling becoming increasingly loud that I didn't even hear the noises of the fallen in front of me. In shock since I wasn't prepared for this I do the natural thing as a Titan main, I punch it just out of sheer reflex. As I punched it I saw the rest of its squad and I began dispatching of them with a quick throw of my lightning grenade and my MIDA. As I round the corner on the small incline the captain from the Fallen stood on I hear the witty banter of my ghost and begin to appreciate how much he truly relieves certain situations. I continue on this path up the mountain still doing my E3 impression doing the slow turns taking in every possible detail of the area I find myself. As I reached the area where the gondola would have ended up I hear the familiar sounds of stealth vandals. So I quick;y begin locating the sources of noise looking for the arcs of energy flickering around them. I quickly locate one and begin going through them as fast as I can not letting one of them hit me. Then a group of shanks attempted to ambush me and being a titan simply punched through all of them and as I continued I heard a noise that seemed familiar but I wasn't entirely sure what it was. I continued on spotting another group of Fallen and taking them out with ease using MIDA. Continuing on I spot a group of all dregs and as I round the corner to finish off the last one who was running for cover. I spot a very familiar sphere in the sky in front of me. "Oh no not again" and I walked closer and sure enough when the health bar kicked in there it read Sepiks Perfected. Then I hear my ghost inform Saladin of what we are seeing and Saladin urges me to kill it, but at this point I was running, I was disobeying the rules of the E3 presentation because the mission had just become personal. It was no longer about saving the temple that laid at the top of the mountain it was about making sure that demon that I had killed many times throughout my destiny career wasn't going to live to see anymore days. Rushing onward there was a small group of Fallen in my path and I Fist of Havoc just to clear the path so I don't have any thing standing in my way. This was personal and it wasn't going to wait. Sprinting onward I see the words Defeat Sepiks Perfected appear on my screen, "With pleasure" I continue rushing in unloading on Sepiks even before his shield has disappeared. But when his shield dropped that was when everything that could have went wrong went wrong for Sepiks. Once again I faced this large servitor but this time was different. I wasn't a low level Titan doing his first strike, I was a high level Titan that had fought Sepiks through many nightfalls and strike grinds. This wasn't a Titan fighting an enemy, this was a Titan seeking blood. I pulled out for the first time all mission my sniper rifle unloading into Sepiks as he flinshed from the impact and small explosions flew off of him. When that ran out of ammo I switched to my heavy unloading my machine gun ammo and when that clip ran out I swapped to MIDA unloading on him and when MIDA ran out of that clip I switched back to my machine gun taking full advantage of cocoon. Enemies dropped onto the grounds from dropships, but I paid them no heed as I was determined to finish this fight only acknowledging the few dregs that were foolish enough to come close and greeting them with a storm fist. Without much issue quickly Sepiks falls yet again and a cutscene begins. Just as I am being congratulated we are interrupted by the familiar sound of a certain servitor choosing life once again. Saladin orders me to go an find him and I rush off to find this demon that still plagues the land who never seems to leave no matter how much I stomp him to the ground. Now I realize that this was written similarly to how a story would be written and regardless of whether you like it or not I hope that you get out of this post how immersive this game can be and that's why it was written as a story. This post was my story and I simply shared it with all of you. If you let it take you, this is no longer the story that you play as some character who you created using certain presets and picking a class, for some of you two years ago and for some of you just the other day. Instead this becomes YOUR story, you are not playing a character you are going through this experience as you. You are living your legend. That I think is the true experience for the story of this game and I applaud Bungie for making this game that does such a good job of making me forget this 16 year old sitting in his room playing on his Xbox and allowing me to become this powerful soldier who I could never hope to be and yet it feels like me and not just some character. Thank you for reading this post I might do more of these for the rest of the story or some of the side quests just giving my experience, but I will do a general feedback on the game post another time simply explaining things that I really enjoy about the game, what I look forward to, and ways they might be able to improve. Also I pasted this into a Google Doc to see how long it was and it was over two pages, in case you were curious.

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