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Modifié par PROPHETxOFxDOOM : 6/6/2016 5:24:24 PM

"Gaming Friendships That Failed" Thread *Updated*

Me, i like to give everyone a chance but sometimes enough is enough. I recently added a guy top my list lets call him "Joe". Well "Joe" here was at first a genuinely pleasant person to game with. But over time he started to change, he would begin to call me derogatory names and put me down repeatedly after me asking him not to. He even wanted to 1v1 me in Halo 5 to prove he was better than me, and every time i killed him in game he would scream "AHHH" in the microphone almost as if me shooing him in game caused him real pain . It became clear i was dealing with a person who had 'Anger Issues'. Over the last couple of months i have had to deal with 'Fart Noises'. "Joe" was playing "King Ass Ripper" in the microphone for hours over his headset, It then became clear i was dealing with a person who had more than 'Anger Issues' but also a 'Maturity Problem' despite being 17 years of age. After a agonizing season of 'Farts In The Party Chat' a guy in the party lets call him "Trysten" said he was being ddos'ed. Being the nerd that i am i respectfully informed "Trysten" that a ddos would kick him off line possibly even frying his router, not make him lag. So being the wise ass that i am, i said to "Trysten" "Hay man i could ddos you so you know what an actual ddos does to your network if you want" i was joking at this point. "Joe" than said "You can't ddos for s**t Peasant" i began speaking random numbers in the form of a ip something like" 132.465.798" then laughably, "Joe" lags out of the game. Thinking he got ddos'ed he removes me as a friend and kicks me from the party. I always tolerated his B.S but this is just unfair but in a way i'm glad i feel a relief of sorts due to me not having to deal with his abusive attitude anymore. Edit: After "Trysten" found this thread, he and "Joe" got into my party. They were mad about this thread, and told me "Go kill yourself"

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  • Grow up, quit complaining, stop playing games you can't handle. Have a nice day. If you can't take someone getting mad at themselves and you being targeted for it just leave! Block him and don't whine on the internet about your problems, I for one do not care!

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  • I had a great group of friends I played destiny with, i'd been mainly a solo player before but I had the best time with these guys, through the rages and the victories. But as they say all good things come to an end, there was some misunderstandings, some finger pointing, and everyone parted ways.

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  • Modifié par PROPHETxOFxDOOM : 6/12/2016 8:47:47 PM

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    • Well. There was a time I had a few great friends we meet on xbox 360 in the good old days. We played a lot. We bought each other pizza. But then high school ended and w all got jobs to support our gaming habits. One of us got into 3d modeling with zBrush. The other went into school for security and engineering. As for me. I went to job corps. I learned a trade in welding. Didn't help me get a job. Then I joined the army. 4 years go by and I'm still stuck being a nobody. Not doing anything great with my life. Unlike my friends following their dreams. I have no talent to have a dream. No idea what to do with my life. But once in a while we all hang out in a party chat.

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    • Modifié par Jotaro Kujo PhD : 6/3/2016 1:51:38 AM
      I have a story about a friendship that, to quote Halo 2, was a [i]colossal[/i] failure. There's a lot to it, though, so I'll try to make this post concise. I met this kid years ago, back when I still played Reach. One of my high school friends and I were playing custom games on "forge world motel" or some other infection map, and the kid joined our game. Let's say his name was Pete. He sounded like he had just started middle school, so I thought he would act like any other "squeaker", but my friend assured me that he was cool. My friend was right. The kid behaved surprisingly well. He never interrupted others, he always waited his turn to host a custom game, and he was generally really nice. Then Pete joined this clan. I didn't think much of it until I spoke to the leader and his "inner circle" (lol). God damn the leader was the biggest, most arrogant douchebag you could imagine. He thought he was just as good as pro players, he only treated the members of his "inner circle" well, and he would always harass people for 1v1s. Apparently he took a liking to Pete, so he decided to act as a mentor to him (again, lol). Fast forward a few months and the kid became as big a douchebag as the clan leader. Both the leader and Pete began harassing my friends and I about 1v1s and that if we refused the challenges, we were garbage. In retrospect, it was quite comical. They were all acting like your stereotypical schoolyard cool kids and bullies. I cut off ties with Pete because of how he was acting, but he came back to my friends and I after leaving the clan and apologized. I forgave him, and he wanted to start up a "friendly" clan with us. We all thought it sounded good, so our little clan was born. Our laid-back custom games and Minecraft world-building resumed, and I thought the douchebag clan debacle was over. Nope. Eventually the douchebag clan leader and his friends came back into our lives, and the harassment started up again. On top of that, Pete went back to their clan, but apparently he never left in the first place. He claimed that he came back all apologetic just to get close to us again and build up trust. Immediately after revealing this, Pete relapsed into exactly what caused me to cut ties with him originally. But as if that wasn't bad enough, he began to bully and harass the sister of one of my friends (she had recently become part of our "group"). Something tipped Pete over the edge, and he and his friends mass reported her, and she actually got banned for a day. I -blam!-ing lost it. Normally I'm very relaxed, but this made me go absolutely mental. Here we are minding our own business and this kid comes back to his with his clan, picks on one person in the group for no god damn reason, and gets her banned. I didn't scream at him, but I came really close. I gave him a 10 minute long barrage of pure enmity. All of us removed Pete from our friend lists again and blocked him and the clan leaders and prayed that they would finally leave us alone. I don't remember if we all reported him or not. Luckily, none of us have heard from him since. Hopefully he has matured. TL;DR: A good kid turned into a straight-up bully after joining a clan and harassed my friends and I. Then he and some guys picked on one of my friends, mass-reported her, and actually got her banned.

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      • Yeah one time I single queued in cs and the group I joined was kinda cool. We did well and I friended some of them but after the game I learned they were all hardcore furries. They tried to get me to join their furry rp group and shit.

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        • Get your facts straight. You had me muted and blocked when I joined because you shit talk then can't back it up. :^) GG bruv good to see how much this bothers you lol

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          • Modifié par ogee RaSta : 6/2/2016 11:28:47 PM
            [quote]Me, i like to give everyone a chance but sometimes enough is enough. I recently added a guy top my list lets call him "Joe". Well "Joe" here was at first a genuinely pleasant person to game with. But over time he started to change, he would begin to call me derogatory names and put me down repeatedly after me asking him not to. He even wanted to 1v1 me in Halo 5 to prove he was better than me, and every time i killed him in game he would scream "AHHH" in the microphone almost as if me shooing him in game caused him real pain . It became clear i was dealing with a person who had 'Anger Issues'. Over the last couple of months i have had to deal with 'Fart Noises'. "Joe" was playing "King Ass Ripper" in the microphone for hours over his headset, It then became clear i was dealing with a person who had more than 'Anger Issues' but also a 'Maturity Problem' despite being 17 years of age. After a agonizing season of 'Farts In The Party Chat' a guy in the party lets call him "Trysten" said he was being ddos'ed. Being the nerd that i am i respectfully informed "Trysten" that a ddos would kick him off line possibly even frying his router, not make him lag. So being the wise ass that i am, i said to "Trysten" "Hay man i could ddos you so you know what an actual ddos does to your network if you want" i was joking at this point. "Joe" than said "You can't ddos for s**t Peasant" i began speaking random numbers in the form of a ip something like" 132.465.798" then laughably, "Joe" lags out of the game. Thinking he got ddos'ed he removes me as a friend and kicks me from the party. I always tolerated his B.S but this is just unfair but in a way i'm glad i feel a relief of sorts due to me not having to deal with his abusive attitude anymore. Edit: Joe's friends have found this thread, all they play is destiny! Let them have it!!![/quote] Lmao this is great they sound like greatt people

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            • Modifié par wojo55 : 6/3/2016 1:04:32 AM
              I'm glad I don't get those experiences you guys get. Granted the early years of online gaming was bad. I always find awesome Randoms now though. Then again I don't play games like cod where people like that seem to play. I'm awesome so i guess other awesome people gravitate towards me. : ) You should be happy your still young and play with irl friends. Most of mine have family,careers, or just work different shift. So playing with friends you know is extremely hard.

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              • "Trysten" Lmao good one man. Shit talk me to my face you pussy. Spends 45 minutes saying he can DDoS to make himself look like a -blam!-ing threat lol. This -blam!- said "DDoS gear" gtfo.

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                • [quote][b]"joe"[/b] [b]"anger issues"[/b][/quote] ANGRY JOE CONFIRMED

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                  • This is why I refuse to use voice chat.

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                    • Modifié par TreeMan_X : 6/2/2016 3:32:09 PM
                      This is why I only play multiplayer games once a month and only with 3 people and I have to know them for a while, otherwise I play single player collecting trophies were no kids (or anybody frankly) can annoy the shit out of me.

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                      • Used to play with a group of people. Couple guys and the wife of one of them would all get together and play online. Turns out one of the guys started really liking the guys wife that played and they started video chatting when the husband was at work. Long story short she divorced her husband and moved to Canada to live with the guy she'd been talking to. If you think this will never happen to you I have one thing to say. So did the husband.

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                        • just one more reason I don't use a mic.

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                          • So... kids being kids? [spoiler] I'd recommend taking the GT out of that post as that's a name & shame and against's ToS. [/spoiler] To my end? Literally everyone. It's almost as if no accountability whatsoever doesn't reflect well on people. I have IRL friends-of-friends who I play with regularly that don't really count because we've met in person a few times.

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                            • My friend and I played Halo, and we came across a dude in Infection with whom we were messing around. He friended us and joined our chat. Turns out, it's a young kid. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind kids, but I do mind the ones that just talk nonsense and don't listen to me or interupt me.. I haven't blocked him yet, but he keeps sending me invites. And I accidentally joined his party with other kids and they all added me as a friend. >_>

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                              • Ok.

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                              • [quote]i began speaking random numbers in the form of a ip something like" 132.465.798" then laughably, "Joe" lags out of the game. Thinking he got ddos'ed he removes me as a friend and kicks me from the party[/quote] Priceless.

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                              • TL;DR get real friends

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                              • Bump

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                              • Modifié par LordOf27Donuts : 6/21/2024 5:00:32 AM

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                                • Modifié par dova spook : 6/12/2016 9:46:31 PM
                                  Paragraphs please.

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                                  • Bump

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                                  • Yeah that's why I start talking shit right away. Not in a hateful way but banter and most people can see that and we end being awesome friends who occasionally roast eachother and the group. Some get salty and quite and some will start getting mad talking shit.

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                                  • Playing dark souls 2. Or Destiny, just patrolling or something. Basically minding my own business. 'Play Destiny!' Checks message, no body text... 'Play Destiny!' 'Play Destiny!' 'Play Destiny!' 'Play Destiny!' 'Dude sorry I'm busy, some other time' 'Play Destiny!' 'Play Destiny!' 'Play Destiny!' 'Play Destiny!' 'Play Destiny!' 'Play Destiny!' ... 'Wait, this is just some random dude I met in crucible or something.' 'Play Destiny!' 'Play Destiny!' 'Play Destiny!' 'Play Destiny!' ... 'Are you sure you want to delete friend?' 'Yes.'

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