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2/6/2016 6:50:50 AM

New Content Desperately!

I don't know about other destiny players, but the lack of content is starting to drain my interest in destiny, only thing left to accomplish is getting a hard light, but after receiving a 14th hawk moon in a row.... I'm done with that also. Oryx is too much of a waste now being too easy. Iron banner was cool... The second time, but a third time it gets old. All this new content release for pvp but none for pve, why not update year one gear? Year one strikes? He'll maybe even make year one raids worth it again?!? I could care less about no special ammo when spawning in crucible, you waited too long to fix teleporting ogres. WE NEED NEW CONTENT! By the time year 3 is here there won't be too many destiny players left. A new exotic quest, new side missions, something.

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