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12/14/2015 9:05:33 PM

My Titan can't run help plz

Last week clicking and holding was just another thing I've been doing to run around since destiny's release, but yesterday I was hit with this glitch which seems to mess with my guardians sprint cooldown and I'm furious. Its like he tries to run but only moves a few feet before stopping. Getting Black Spindle in yesterday's daily heroic was impossible because of this glitch. I really can't do anything but walk to my death in both pvp and pve, so I just stopped playing for now. Also I investigated this on both ps4 and ps3 ( with standard ps4 and ps3 controllers) changing my jump options ,subclasses, going in and out of was all a wasted effort. My thoughts Will this glitch resolve itself? Is this something others are dealing with? Will this be fixed in an upcoming hotfix? WHAT COULD HAVE WENT WRONG OVERNIGHT ? Thanks for reading.

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