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Modifié par CountZakula : 11/2/2015 2:52:52 AM

Just gonna leave this hear to look back on when silver inevitably goes pay-2-win

[quote]GAMESPOT: Just a point of clarification, I'm not sure whether there is microtransactions in Star Wars Battlefront. Could you explain? FEGRAEUS: Well the currency system is based on your game performance. The credits that you use to buy things in the game are earned. You play the game, complete challenges, and that's how you get credits. So, is that the only way you can obtain credits? By earning them by performance? Yes, that's what's in the game. Absolutely. Ah, the reason I asked is because Battlefront has a two-step currency system, which is usually a telltale sign of paving the way for microtransactions to be introduced. But it sounds like, from what you are saying, that you are moving away from that? Yeah, that's not part of the core design of how it works. This is a progression system based on your gameplay performance. --- Elsewhere in the interview, Fegraeus emphasised how player performance would be the only way to earn credits. "There are several [credit] systems working together here. Just doing things in the game earns you points, and those [points] earn you credits. That's the baseline system; the more you do, the more credits you get," he said.[/quote] DICE saying no micro transactions, in the wake Bungie introducing them? Did I fall into a wormhole into Opposite World? Sidenote: This will be super refreshing after playing Destiny, [quote]This is a progression system [b]based on your gameplay performance[/b].[/quote]

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