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10/13/2015 4:20:30 AM

New Rarity Idea

So as you know we have 5 main rarities, common, uncommon, rare, legendary, and exotic. I was thinking lately and I felt like we need a new rarity, a rarity so rare that they can only be obtained from quests that are usually 30-40 steps long. This new Rarity would be called a Mythic. It would have a light gray shade for its color in the background. Instead of an exotic weapon or armor possibly having one main perk, you would have two main perks on weapons or armor with Mythics. One concern that fell upon me with this idea was the question, "How will these weapons compare to others performance wise?" Well I answered this with a simple solution. Each Mythic will have a drawback. For example, if a mythic has high impact for a primary, it would have a very low range to compensate. Bump if you like this idea. I'll tweak depending on the feedback!
#Destiny #rarity

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