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Modifié par WarAngel : 2/12/2015 2:58:29 AM

Skip Rounds

So Guardians tell me how would you from experience or best way Utilized the perk Skip-Rounds in a PvP Match?. My experience I got mines on a "Spirit of Alliance" Heavy Weapon and had on some gear that buffed out the Heavy Weapons and was playing Salvage with some buds of mines close game it was 9000+ on each team map was The Asylum timer was on 1:10 each team was playing it out careful the relic was in a very tight space of the map then heavy ammo pops up of course that means explosives are coming except I have my Machine Gun I throw my Titan Bubble down in a spot a bit off the point not on it like some jackasses it has Blessing Light we spread out in the room watching are Tracker(Radar) they move up a bit pop nothing but rockets in from the hallway there's 3 entry points from they can enter but they choose the closet one from the Heavy they were coming from we take massive damage lucky we drop in and out of my Ward of Dawn getting back are Double Shields the back off a bit I Push foward and just let loose with my Heavy had so much rounds in it got a kill and some hit markers to a point where after I reloaded I kept drop rounds locking off the hallway to where a couple seconds left on the relic they try another route Teammates fire rockets on them and they get F@&)(& Up and we cheering are ass off with a amazing win and we interacted with the other team invite them a Xbox Live Party and talk about each other's play-styles and how that was Phenomenal match we all had and 1st playing Destiny.

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